Your feet can impact your sex life? Is that right? Absolutely, and in a significant way. First, when our feet are not working correctly, we compensate in our movement. That creates dysfunction in the muscles and fascia from the feet on up and will often impact our pelvis and pelvic floor (think orgasms and sensations!). Ashley Black, creator of the FasciaBlaster, says, “Imbalances in the feet can cause pelvic tilts, pelvic rotation, and sacroiliac joint (SI) dysfunction, and can even pull the thigh bones so close together that they compress on vaginal walls, making sex less than orgasmic bliss. Feet can turn in or turn out, be pronated or supinated, have high arches or be completely flat, or be compressed in heels or hyperactive.”
On a more vain note, if we think our feet are unattractive, we tend to pull them away and not let our partner touch them. Yet sitting on the couch with your feet in your partner’s lap, talking, and connecting as they massage your toes, can be surprisingly intimate and great foreplay. Taking care of your hooves can help you feel more confident in their appearance.
Black says, “The alignment of your feet has a direct impact on the function or dysfunction of your pelvis. In conclusion, from our feet on up, we need to open and loosen fascia and muscles to keep our pelvic area free for … whatever you please in the bedroom.” With the help of two realignment exercises and releasing fascia in your feet (see videos below), you’ll be on the path to a sexy night full of flirty footsie foreplay.
Move 1: Slant Board – Heels Up
How to: Stand on the slant board on one foot with your heel on the top and toes on the bottom of the decline. Make sure your foot is pointing straight ahead and the heel is aligned between the second and third toe. Press your toes into the board, lengthen through the top of your head ensuring that your lower abs are drawn in towards your spine and your lower back is relaxed. Keeping your alignment, slowly lower your body a few inches towards the floor bending at the knee. You will be pressing your toes into the board and keeping your torso tall and lifted and looking straight ahead.
Move 2: Slant Board – Sideways
How to: Stand on the slant board on one foot with your foot and arch parallel to the decline. Make sure your foot is pointing straight ahead and the heel is aligned between the second and third toe. Press your toes into the board so that your arch lifts up and your knee is aligned over the second toe. Lengthen through the top of your head, ensuring that your lower abs are drawn in toward your spine and your lower back is relaxed. Keeping your alignment, slowly lower your body a few inches toward the floor, bending at the knee. You will be pressing your toes into the board and keeping your torso tall and lifted and looking straight ahead. It can be difficult to keep the toe tracking over the second toe as you lift and lower. Using your toes to ensure your arch is lifting and doing very small knee bends can help with this. Keep your torso tall and look straight ahead.
Note: The greater the incline, the more difficult the exercises will be. Start with the lowest incline and work your way up, ensuring proper alignment can be achieved with the incline you are using. Many people can do a slightly higher incline for Move 1 than they can for Move 2. You can also use another person or stable object to help you balance if standing on one foot is difficult. The goal is to work away from needing extra support for stability. I prefer a slant board; however, if you do not have one, you can also make your own makeshift one at home. Using a slant board gives you greater control over the incline and is a great piece of equipment to have.
How to FasciaBlast Your Feet
Tools needed: FaceBlaster and Mini2/FasciaBlaster Nugget
Step 1: Ensure your body is warmed up, then start by gently rubbing your oiled skin with up-and-down and side-to-side strokes, starting on your calves, using the FaceBlaster.
Step 2: Start on the top of the feet, going extremely light with pressure and working from each toe up to the ankle using the FaceBlaster.
Step 3: Use the tool, making up-and-down and side-to-side strokes all around your ankles and heels.
Step 4: Next, massage the sides and bottoms of the feet.
Step 5: Using the Nugget, do a poke and wiggle on any areas where you are extra tight, such as the ankle, calves, heels, or underside of the foot.
Step 5: Go over any areas you want to give extra attention to.
Note: Be gentle, especially on the top of your feet. Never do circular strokes with the FasciaBlaster, and always use oil that works for your skin.
Courtney Virden is a pelvic floor expert, fitness trainer, and founder of iCORE Method. Her iCORE Method app with core and pelvic floor programs is used by women worldwide to restore pelvic floor health and wellness. This highly sought after programming from iCORE Method helps women heal from pelvic floor dysfunction and also greatly improves sexual satisfaction. She offers monthly subscriptions, challenges, and has new content monthly on the app.
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