You’ll pack a lot of bags for your little one throughout their life (diaper bags, bookbags, the list goes on), but perhaps the most important is the one you’ll pack for the hospital. Kourt tells us that while making her list, she asked some of her best friends who are moms what they packed, and they all reminded each other of the necessities. Having someone to help make a list and bounce ideas off of can be a really helpful way to not put something off that can feel like a large task. Kourt also did this when she was making her registry.
She had three bags: one for her, one for the baby, and one for extra miscellaneous items like blankets, pillows, and cameras.
Keep reading to learn what other necessities Kourt packed in her hospital bags.
She brought matching Skims pajamas for her and Travis, including button-up shirts for easy breastfeeding access.
Toiletry bag
This included stretch mark cream, nipple and lip balm, belly oil, and nipple butter.
Arnica montana
This was recommended by nutritionist Leona West, who Kourt worked with throughout her pregnancy. Leona recommends taking arnica montana right away after delivery as it can help speed up healing and ease discomfort.
Two nursing bras
Disposable black undies
“The hospital provides white mesh ones but I like black,” Kourt says. “Anything to feel your best after birth is worth it—without sacrificing comfort.”
Peri bottle
“The hospital also provides one of these,” Kourt says. “I looked hard for one that wasn’t plastic but couldn’t find one, so this one looked best and seemed functional.”
Cozy socks and compression socks
High-waisted postpartum underwear
“I’ve never tried them, but heard these are amazing after birth to help get your organs back into place,” Kourt says.
Outfit for Kourt to go home in
Custom Surya Spa Mama Baby Oil
Kourt says she’s “obsessed” with this. It’s made with special herbs, milks, and oils that are helpful for body recovery.
Milkmaid tea
She brought this to help milk production if needed, but if not, she says it’s still good to enjoy one cup a day.
Leona suggests taking colostrum for around three months after giving birth, as it can be very nourishing during the initial hormonal and physiological transition.
Collagen is good for recovery and hair.
Cold packs
These can help with healing after vaginal delivery.
Lovey blanket
Outfit for baby to go home in
“P picked this out and bought it for the baby as a surprise for me, the sweetest,” Kourt says.
Clean wipes
Clean diapers
Rubber pacifiers
Car seat to be installed in advance
Hats with matching swaddles
Extra outfits with matching swaddle blankets and hats
Kourt used a seam ripper to remove all the tags beforehand. “I’m a little crazy and cut each tag out of every outfit for baby’s comfort,” she says.
Miscellaneous hospital bag:
New digital video camera
Vintage video camera
Kourt’s point-and-shoot camera
Nursing pillow
Silk pillowcase
Cozy throw blanket
Cord blood kit
Umbilical cord blood contains tons of stem cells, and those cells are a perfect match for the baby—collecting and storing the blood means it could be used to help treat certain health conditions if they arise.
Placenta encapsulation kit
The placenta is full of nutrients, and ingesting it is thought to help with healing after giving birth. This type of kit helps turn your placenta into pills you can swallow.
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