We don’t always have the time or equipment to do a complicated workout, which is why we love having quick, equipment-free workouts like this booty burn stored in our back pocket. In the video below, Bridget O’Carroll, founder of Studio Qila, the first Indigenous-owned digital fitness studio, leads us through a five-minute no-equipment butt workout. It’s a blend of bilateral (both sides) and unilateral (one side at a time) moves designed to strengthen glutes and help us get a perkier posterior.
Glute bridge
Butterfly bridge
Fire hydrant circles
Fire hydrant sweep
Outer glute lift
Outer thigh lift
The Move: Glute Bridge
How to: Lie down on your mat. Plant your feet hip-width apart, squeeze your butt and lift your hips, then slowly lower until your hips are hovering over the top of your mat, and repeat.
The Move: Butterfly Bridge
How to: Maintain the same form as your glute bridge, but place your feet together and butterfly out your knees. Lift your hips up and down, squeezing your glutes.
The Move: Fire Hydrant Circles
How to: Find a table-top position, then lift your right knee up to the top of a fire hydrant position, circle forward, then switch directions.
The Move: Fire Hydrant Sweep
How to: Find a table-top position, left elbow drops to the mat. Lift your right knee up to the top of a fire hydrant position, and sweep your knee to your shoulder, then back behind you. Knee stays at a 90-degree angle throughout the movement.
The Move: Outer Glute Lift
How to: Maintain your table-top position with one elbow down. Extend your right leg behind you at a diagonal and lift up and down, never letting your foot touch the ground.
The Move: Outer Thigh Lift
How to: Left hand plants on your mat, right hand on hip, hips stack on top of each other. Right leg extends straight out. Lift and lower your extended leg; leg hovers between reps.
Repeat the unilateral moves on the left side.
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