There’s only so much time in the morning, and some days you want to squeeze in a little yoga and pilates. When you can’t decide between lengthening and stretching versus strengthening, do both! At the same time! Danielle Acoff is a pro at elegant workouts that make you immediately feel stronger, longer, and more graceful. Give your abs and booty a super-strengthening tune-up in the morning with this straight-up artful morning flow.
All exercises are performed 10 times on each side, except two and four can be done just 10 times total. Rest for one minute and repeat.
Side lunge twist
Lunge to one side, keeping the knee over the ankle. Sit back low with weight in the heel to activate the glute. Push to standing, bring the knee to passe, and twist towards the active leg.
C curve crunch
Start on your sit bones, hands lightly touching the back of the head, keeping the neck and chest area open while the gaze is upward. Activate the c curve (belly button to spine, ribs closed) and push your arms down as you extend the leg long, and up. After two reps, bring the knee up and cross the opposite elbow to knee on both sides.
Double extend kickback
Coming to one elbow, tuck the knee behind the planted knee and kick back, keeping the core engaged— careful not to dump in the back! Bring the knee back to the tuck position, extend the leg up to the diagonal, and tuck the knee back in.
Bridge to teaser
Come to a bridge with one leg extended; push up through the heel two times. Next, flex the foot, lowering the leg until your knees are in line, and point the foot to float the leg back up. Bringing the back to the floor, keep the leg extended and curl up to a teaser using your core. Switch legs, and repeat on the other side!
Clam extends
Start on your side with one elbow down, one hand lightly behind the head. Bring the knees to 90°, and the feet back towards your glutes. Stack the knees, hips, and ankles. Push up through the hip, opening the knees, and close back to starting position. Next, push up through the hip again, this time extending the top leg long and holding it there. Then bring the top elbow to meet the floor (or as close as you can) and back up.
For more workouts like this, check out
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