Welcome to our two-week butt challenge. Earlier this month we launched the ab version of this workout plan, and today we’re releasing the round of booty-focused exercises. Here’s a refresher on how it works below. Learn the instructions and details on each day’s ass-lifting-and-tightening challenge ahead.
How it works:
It’s pretty straightforward—pick your start date and then complete each day’s challenge either in place of or in addition to your regular workout. Bonus points if you can convince a friend to participate with you. So without further ado, meet your two-week fitness program.
Week 1
Day 1:
The challenge: Squat jumps are an effective way to strengthen your glutes and increase your heart rate. This move can be done in your living room while watching TV. Start with 20 squat jumps for the day.
Day 2:
The challenge: ABC challenge. This workout is done while sitting down. While squeezing your cheeks, raise one leg just off the ground while flexing your toes and touching them to the floor. Draw the letters of the alphabet with your toes while maintaining the squeeze position. Repeat with the other leg.
Day 3:
The challenge: Find a hill and run sprints. Climbing hills helps engage the muscles in your glutes more than running on a flat surface does. If no hills are available, running up the stairs can also work.
Day 4:
The challenge: Perform 15 reps of donkey kicks (on each leg) while keeping a weighted object in between your thigh and calf (behind the knee). This can be done with any fitness weight or small household object (water bottle, shampoo bottle, etc).
Day 5:
The challenge: For one minute straight, do side skaters and count how many reps you completed. Take a break and do it again to see if you can beat that previous number. If you didn’t, try again until you do.
Day 6:
The challenge: This is an easy one that can be done throughout the day. Squeeze your cheeks together while walking around to activate your butt muscles. For the entire day, try doing this each time you walk on a flat surface.
Day 7:
The challenge: While sitting in a chair, occasionally hover just above your seat. Count to five before sitting down again and try continuously increasing by five seconds throughout the day. This workout can be done while WFH.
Week 2:
Day 1:
The challenge: Standing behind your couch or a chair, use it as support while performing 20 reps of backward lunges. Your knee should bend at a 90-degree angle before returning to starting position.
Day 2:
The challenge: Wall sits. Keeping your head, shoulders, and back against a wall, maintain a sitting position for 30 seconds or however long you can. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat. Try doing this every few hours.
Day 3:
The challenge: Choose a song and try holding a squat position while pulsing until it is over. The music will help distract from the burn.
Day 4:
The challenge: This one can be done without leaving your bed. Do 20 reps of glute bridges once in the morning and once in the evening. Try placing a weighted object on your hips for a more intense burn.
Day 5:
The challenge: Find an open area (around the kitchen table, down your hallway, on a walk, etc.) and do sets of walking lunges. Complete four sets of 10 lunges on each leg to tone your booty.
Day 6:
The challgenge: Fire hydrants. Try completing 100 reps in one day.
Day 7:
The challenge: Hold chair pose for 10 breaths. Do this once after waking up and once before getting into bed. This pose engages your glutes while also stretching your chest and shoulders to help begin/end your day.
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