Yes, there’s a cleanse for everything … even your armpits. If you feel like your current deodorant is starting to lose its effectiveness or you’re dealing with irritations, it might be time for a deep pit cleanse (what a sexy visual, right?). The below “mask” (if you will) can soothe inflamed skin, freshen the delicate area, and ease the transition to antiperspirant-free deodorants—keep reading to learn more.
As we mentioned in our piece on “Why You Should Toss Your Antiperspirant, Like, Yesterday,” the harsh aluminums found in antiperspirants can build up in your system. Weaning yourself off them to make way for more natural deodorant options can be a smelly journey that will leave you more than willing to jump back into that toxic relationship.
Before you pull the contraband from the garbage and fall back into its duct-clogging ways, there’s a way to speed up the process. A mask, for your armpits. That’s right! We don’t recommend applying to freshly shaved pits, as the pH adjustment might generate some heat and cause a bit of a burning sensation. Day-after shaved is best. Try this recipe three days in a row to do a deep cleanse on your delicate underarms and freshen things up before going for safer choices.
1 tablespoon bentonite clay (we love Aztec)
1-2 teaspoons water
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
Mix the ingredients until you get a consistency like that of Greek yogurt.
Spread this on your pits and wait 5-15 minutes. Try chilling on a towel on your back while holding a book (or OK, fine, your phone) overhead to keep your arms elevated. Wash off the clay in the shower or with a warm washcloth. We recommend doing this in the evening if you have sensitive skin because it may turn your pits a little rosy from elevated circulation in the area.
You can also opt for this pre-packaged natural option: KIND-LY The Armpit Detox ($25)
Try this for three consecutive days to purge, and then you’re ready for your greener transition. Shop a few of our fave antiperspirant-free options below.
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