It’s giving … love potion. An all-natural concoction that’s meant to help increase sex drive and sexual desires. We discovered this steamy DIY project thanks to TikTok user @officialbettybee, who says to try it before sleeping with your partner. The secret to this “sex potion”? Cloves and honey, which are both aphrodisiacs and natural stimulants.
The recipe also calls for oranges, which have an array of sexual benefits. They have a high concentration of vitamin C, boosting sex drive, and they release increased levels of the “love hormone” oxytocin, which heightens sexual arousal. For your male partners, cloves have been shown to increase male libido and treat premature ejaculation, meaning they last even longer in the bedroom. So next time you and your partner are looking for ways to spice things up, consider trying this DIY potion and go all night long. Read on for the full sexy recipe below.
1 teaspoon clove powder or crushed whole cloves
Hot water
1 orange
2 spoons honey
1. Add hot water into a cup with the cloves or clove powder.
2. In a separate cup, squeeze the juice from the orange.
3. Combine your clove water with the orange juice (the water should still be steaming hot).
4. Add two spoonfuls of honey to the combined mixture.
5. Drink and wait 5-10 minutes before sex.
6. Enjoy!
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