Another day, another simple at-home routine to add to your workout inventory. We’ve shared a handful of rear-toning moves (because we feel ya, gotta keep it tight), but we’re changing it up with this one, which includes using a gliding disc. Clear a non-carpeted area and get to sliding and sweating. Watch our in-house fitness expert, Amanda Lee, demonstrate each exercise that’ll shape and firm your butt below.
What you’ll need: P.volve Gliders ($30)
The Routine:
Gliding Side Lunge
Gliding Reverse Double Lunge
Gliding Curtsy Lunge
Gliding Reverse + Curtsy Lunge Combo
The Move: Gliding Side Lunge
How to: Stand with your feet a few inches apart, with your moving foot on the gliding disc. Putting weight into your nonmoving leg, slowly bend your knee. As you squat down, slide your moving foot out to the side. Then as you straighten your leg, slide your moving foot back in. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
The Move: Gliding Reverse Double Lunge
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your moving foot on the gliding disc. Start by sliding your foot behind you, allowing your hips and knees to flex to lower your body. Slide your moving foot back until your knee almost touches the ground, then stay in that position while you glide your leg back again. Return to the starting position by driving through the heel of the front leg. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
The Move: Gliding Curtsy Lunge
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your moving foot on the gliding disc. Cross your moving foot behind you as if you’re doing a curtsy. Your weight should be on your opposite foot as you bend your knees, lowering your body down and sliding back. Push back up to the starting position. Repeat for 12–15 reps.
The Move: Gliding Reverse + Curtsy Lunge Combo
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your moving foot on the gliding disc. Start by sliding your foot behind you, allowing your hips and knees to flex to lower your body. Slide your moving foot back until your knee almost touches the ground, then push back up to standing position, driving your weight through your non-moving leg. Now cross your moving foot behind you into a curtsy lunge. Your weight should be on your opposite foot as you bend your knees, lowering your body down and sliding back. Push back up to starting position and continue alternating between the reverse lunge and the curtsy lunge. Repeat for 12-15 reps.