Ah, sit-ups. Perhaps one of the most divisive workout moves, right alongside burpees.
So, if you’re team “team can’t stand sit-ups” but still want to strengthen your core, we’ve got the perfect workout for you, courtesy of personal trainer Amanda Lee.
Warning: It does involve planks. But according to Amanda, these are so much more effective than sit-ups.
“Planking workouts are actually a much better way to strengthen your core vs. traditional sit-ups. This is because they don’t only work your core, they work your entire body, so you burn more calories and gain more overall strength,” Amanda says. “Another benefit from planking is that they put less pressure on your lower back than traditional sit-ups.”
In the video below, she shows how to perform four of her favorite plank variations. Press play to see the movements in action, and follow along with the written instructions. Happy planking!
How to: Grab a kettlebell, and get into a plank position on your palms. Keeping your body stable, pass the kettlebell from one hand to the other.
Repeat for 10 to 20 reps.
How to: Get into a plank position on your elbows. Keeping your core tight, dip your hips from side to side.
Repeat for 20 reps.
How to: Get into a side plank position with one arm behind your head. Bring your arm towards the floor and then back up.
Repeat for 15 reps per side.
How to: Get into a side plank position with one leg off the ground and one hand behind your head. Bring your knee in towards your arm in a “crunch” motion.
Repeat for 10 reps per side.
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