If you like astrology, you will love Human Design. To break down the basics and help you discover your energy type, we enlisted Jenna Zoe, a leading expert in the field, creator of the My Human Design App, and author of Human Design.
Keep reading for Jenna’s insights, learn how to determine your energy type, and decode what you’re meant to do in this life.
“Human Design is a part-spiritual, part-scientific way of calculating who you came here to be.
You were born as yourself, and being your authentic self is the quickest way to achieving your dreams. The problem is, we’re bombarded with outside advice on how to do life, even though it might not work for our real self.
We are individuals. It makes sense to find out how we operate first, moving from the inside out. You let your nature and your essence run the show instead of relying on outside authorities.”
“Human Design measures your energy, your aura, and its unique structure. After learning the best ways to work, manifest, eat, learn, share your gifts, and so much more, you never have to search for the ideal way to do life. You are just free to do it.
The starting point in Human Design is your energy type.
This is how you use your energy to maximize your results in life. Your full design covers every aspect of life, from parenting to health to relationships and beyond. To find yours, simply enter your birth information (date, place, and exact time) into myhumandesign.com or the My Human Design app.”
“There are Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Scroll down to get the 411 on each energy type.”
1. Manifestor
“These are the trailblazers who are here to create movements, whether they intentionally try to or not! Their energy can’t help but be felt when they walk into a room. Manifesting energy in Human Design simply means you don’t need to wait for the Universe in order to act. It’s an impulsive energy driven by the Divine expressing itself through you. A big part of living correctly as a manifestor involves cherishing and honoring those impulses because they’re rare and special.”
Common challenge:
“Manifestors have an aura that attracts some people and repels those who aren’t right for them, which is the Universe’s natural selection mechanism in action. Because this may feel like rejection or disapproval, manifestors often spend their lives trying to please everybody. This is an incorrect use of their energy that holds many of them back from fulfilling their true potential.”
2. Manifesting Generator
“These are a hybrid of a generator and a manifestor. When living correctly, they are like superhumans. Not only do they have the ability to initiate (manifestor), they can also make it happen.”
Common challenge:
“MGs may feel torn between running out the door to act on their impulses and waiting for their gut feelings to kick in (the ‘hell, yes’ or the ‘hell, no’). I tell MGs that it’s important to reserve the right to change your mind as you go, and to have your loved ones accept that from you too, wherever possible. MGs will often move faster than generators, but they’ll course correct more often as well.”
3. Generator
“They are here to dance with life and use their energy to move their community forward in a meaningful way. When generators do what they love, people can’t get enough of them. They are the natural hustlers and doers of society.”
Common challenge:
“Generators must listen to their gut and honor their desires, rather than saying yes to things they feel they should do. Other people will want to use the generator’s energy for their own benefit, but generators must be passionate about how they direct their energy. Otherwise, they burn out. I tell generators that unless they know it’s a ‘hell, yes,’ it should become a ‘hell, no!’”
4. Projector
“These people are here as guides for the tribe. They have an ability to see things others can’t, such as reading into people, creating systems, or devising new ways of doing things. Each projector has a special ability of their own.”
Common challenge:
“Projectors try to prove they can hustle and keep up with the rest of the world. They have inconsistent energy and may spend time beating themselves up for not being able to ‘make things happen.’ They are not here to do that.
“It’s also very common for projectors to be impatient if they don’t understand how their energy operates. The more projectors trust the flow of life instead of trying to keep up with the generators, the more stuff will start happening. In the meantime, they should focus on honing their special skill.”
5. Reflector
“These are rare energy types in Human Design, with less than 1% of the population falling into this category. They are the true mirrors for society with the greatest potential for wisdom.”
Common challenge:
“They are like blank slates with very little of their own defined energy, which is confusing when operating in a world that says everyone should know who they are. For a reflector, the best place to start is understanding that they function differently than 99% of the world (and that’s OK).”
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