We taught you everything there is to know about buccal massages before, or so we thought. But wait! There’s more!
Anastasia Talan of Kosha Spa is a master of her craft, which means she’s the first to admit she’s always learning, growing, and perfecting her technique. Buccal massages, which relieve tension in the face and neck, can help sculpt the face, relieve TMJ pain, and even promote voice clarity. But she has added a few more moves to her roster.
For those who have not been blessed by Anastasia’s hands for up to 80 minutes of bliss, it can be hard to imagine feeling so relaxed that you drift into a dreamlike state or even take a nap… all while someone’s fingers are in your mouth. ICYMI, buccal massage requires the practitioner to pop a gloved finger or two inside to access certain muscles and areas of fluid retention.
Buccal massage consists of manipulating the buccal fat pad in the cheek and jaw area. Accessing it involves a deep, therapeutic massage to both sides of the cheek—inside and outside.
And yes, somehow, that’s completely relaxing.
But it doesn’t stop there.
An entire treatment includes massaging the neck using a method that may be uncomfy for some people. It requires pulling and separating the muscles and tendons to loosen them, make them pliable, and relax the area.
But it’s not just about relaxation.
As our muscles tense, so does the fascia that surrounds them, creating a major obstacle to lymphatic flow. This can result in stagnant fluids that may show up as puffiness in the face, shortness in the neck, and even a double chin. This doesn’t just effect our appearance, but also our energy and immunity, as well.
Anastasia addresses all of this by getting inside the mouth to reach deeply embedded (and almost always overlooked) tension at the floor of the jaw (hello, double-chin area). Loosening up this zone can have dramatic drainage and de-puffing effects.
She even employs a technique in which she pulls the tongue directly upward. It’s a funny feeling, but it actually releases tension in the neck, jaw, and back of the throat. The tongue is an incredibly powerful muscle, a fact made evident when it’s finally forced to release.
The result is a completely relaxed, loosey-goosey, flexible feeling throughout the jaw, shoulders, neck, and face that leaves you feeling a little taller, too. Your posture is better, and your thoughts and voice are clearer. Your cheekbones? Sculpted. Buccal massage treatments surpass facial status and enter necessary wellness level.
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