We all have our opinions when it comes to text message behavior that irks us. Earlier this year, we shared how we feel about email etiquette, so it only felt right to address our thoughts on the dos and don’ts of texting. (Take it with a grain of salt—these are simply thoughts from the team and our personal opinions.) Read on to learn what pushes our buttons and makes for a perfectly crafted text message.
Do know your audience.
Does the person or group I’m texting communicate in full sentences or straight to the point? Read: u instead of you, or ty instead of thank you. Personally, I’m all for saving time and shortening the message.
IT’S AS THOUGH YOU ARE YELLING. It comes off as aggressive and seems like you’re mad at the recipient—or just the world! Of course, there’s always a time and place for this tone.
Don’t send several paragraphs.
If you have to scroll to read one response, it’s better to pick up the phone and chat it out.
Do name frequent group text messages.
Makes it easier for everyone involved. Don’t be that person that constantly renames the thread unless everyone gets a laugh out of it. (See tip one: know your audience.)
Don’t follow up right away.
If it’s for work, sure, there are exceptions. But c’mon, the recipient will respond if or when they want to.
Do triple check who you’re sending a screenshot or photo to.
Enough said. Don’t let your stomach drop after you’ve hit send.
Don’t text while driving.
Don’t underestimate the power of emojis.
Use them when appropriate. We all know a simple emoji can add true meaning to the message behind a text. We all also know the person who uses too many emojis. So again, know your audience.
Do be courteous of the recipient’s time zone.
It happens—you send a late text because you don’t want to forget. But don’t make a habit of it, unless the person has acknowledged that it doesn’t bother them.
Don’t respond after the moment has passed in a group thread.
We’ve all been there—we were busy and couldn’t get in on the group joke when it was rolling, and we’re now catching up on the thread. Lol to yourself and let it go, no need to bring the banter up for round two. The moment passed; you’ll get in on the next one.
Do check in on your family and friend via text.
Our editor, Michelle Scanga, started a Friday Family text and will send positive or thoughtful messages every week to put a smile on everyone’s face. It’s a little something to look forward to and remind the group that we all made it through another week … ’cause TGIF.
Don’t be so hard on yourself if you sent a regretful text.
If it happens every weekend, then yes, time to reevaluate, but if you had too many bubbles or were in a ~mood~ and were feeling like letting your feelings out, so be it. Life is short. Don’t let it get you down. We’re only human, and sometimes our little fingers just can’t hold back. We get it.
Read receipts and voice memos … we’ll save those topics for another day.
What irks you the most when it comes to texting etiquette? We want to know in the comments on Instagram.
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