Guy: What’s her name?
Kendall: Dalandra is her full name.
Interviewer: Dalandra.
Kendall: We call her Dyl or Dylan.
Kourt: K… What should we do Ken!?
Kendall: I do want to eat I feel pretty crazy.\
Kourt: Ok.
Kourt: You want to put on your mic?
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: You are my second Poosh Interview.
Kendall: Who was your first? Mom?
Kourt: Yeah and two is my favorite number.
Kendall: Hmmmm\
Kourt: Do you feel honored?
Kendall: I feel.. super honored.
Kendall & Kourt: *laugh*
Kourt: So we’re here, where you ride horses.
Kendall: Mhm.
Kourt: I’ve ridden … is that a word?
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: Ridden.. horses with you, one time.
Kendall: Oh, in Malibu.\
Kourt: Malibu.
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: We should do that again.
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: Wait.. So, how long have you been riding horses again? I can’t remember.
Kendall: Um…. I mean I have this photo.
Kourt: Like how did you even ride for the first time?
Kendall: Mmmm, well. I remember being like, I’m not even kidding I think I was like three or
four, when… We lived in that house in El Dorado… and… umm, in that.. In hidden hills which is a horse community… and there was a horse up the street called sweet pea,
Kourt: Oh yeah.
Kendall: and there’s a picture of me, Rob and Kylie with sweet pea and one, and one of the other horses that they had,
Kourt: Yeah.
Kendall: and I like fell in love with horses, just being around them in our community,
Kourt: Yeah.
Kendall: and then I remember asking… I don’t remember, but I’m assuming I asked mom and dad to like take me to get lessons and they found a place called Fox Field which is led next to Sherwood… Mhm.
Kourt: So did you go everyday after school?\
Kendall: Sometimes like multiple times a day.. Yeah. I would go everyday after school and then when it was summer time, there was a woman that worked in hidden hills, and I would go all day long from 8am to 8pm and I would ride every single one of the horses. She probably had like 15 to 13, like 13 to 15 horses, and I would ride every single one for her.
Kourt: and you and Khloe are the two in the family\
Kendall: Mhm.
Kourt: that are into riding horses
Kendall: Mhm.
Kourt: So, do you ever ride together?
Kendall: No.
Kourt: Have you ever?
Kendall: She doesn’t, I don’t think she’s done it, in like years\
Kourt: In years.
Kendall: like at least like 20 years, or something.
Kourt: Yeah. And is Kylie not into it?
Kendall: Mmm…she is, but she’s not into it like me….like when we go to Wyoming, she’s really good at it, she loves it…….but, I’m kind of the only one that still does it and does it, like, how I do it.
Kourt: I feel like you found your passion, like you knew, you wanted to be a model,
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: and you made it happen, and I feel like it doesn’t happen that easily for people, but how do you feel like you just knew that and….
Kendall: I feel like with modeling, it’s the same thing that I had or the same feeling that I had with riding, where it was just an undeniable feeling.
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: Where I just knew.. That I loved it so much. I’m that kind of person, like I can connect that even with like, my personal, like my love life. I’m very much someone who… I fall in love with… I’m like, love at first sight type of person. Like I know I’m going to fall in love with you the second I meet you, I have this overwhelming feeling… and that doesn’t happen a lot for me, and then, I’m not the kind of person who can like, gradually fall in love with someone,
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: I– that just, I don’t know how that’s supposed to go, I don’t understand that.
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: So, I think it’s the same thing for me with like, kind of knowing what I want to do or what I like,
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: I’m a really like straight forward person, when it comes to that. Ummm…. But it’s not always like, I would never say that I always have it together, or I always like, know what’s going on.. You know? I still— I go through moments.. Of like.. Not knowing and being unsure and like what do I want to do next and.
Kourt: But, about what? About your career?
Kendall: About like life, about work sometimes, like I feel like everyone goes through those moments of like… I’ll have days where I’m like this is good, I feel like i’m in a good place, I feel like this is great, duhduhduhduh. And then I’ll go through moments of like, what is going on? where am I going next? And then I kind of just have to sit back and be like, I can’t think about it too much because if you do, I just feel like that’s when things get messy and unnatural…
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: and, I think everybody has a plan and I am only twenty-three and I think to have it
this together at twenty-three is already such a– such a success.
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: But to like…. So I kinda have to tell myself that and sit back and be like don’t stress, don’t stress. Like mom always tells me\
Kourt: and not to rush things.
Kendall: Totally.
Kourt: I think like give it space and let it breathe. That’s what I’m— I feel like I’m just now learning that, about like giving things space and letting it breathe. And I feel like I did that even without consciously thinking about it, but I– Like I had years where I didn’t feel like… not that I wasn’t working because I was filming the show.
Kendall: Mhm.
Kourt: and you know, people don’t really realize that, that is a job and that we wake up everyday and have hair and makeup and like.. You know… film.
Kendall: Mhm.
Kourt: and so, but besides that, I just felt like I didn’t have– have my passion, or not that I didn’t have a passion because I feel like my passion is my kids, and just even taking care of my house and you know like certain things like that. But, a passion, like a work passion
Kendall: Mhm
Kourt: I felt like I didn’t have that until.. You know.. For years, like and now doing Poosh I feel like that’s my passion.
Kendall: But also, you could probably say this for yourself, umm.. Mom would always say to me, like, you don’t have to have it all figured out right now, you’re still so young, like, she was like, look at me, I– We didn’t, I didn’t get the show until we were like fif– until I was like fifty!
Kourt: Yeah.
Kendall: And even with you I feel like you could say
Kourt: I was twenty……seven.
Kendall: Yeah and.. But beyond that like, like you just said you had years of kinda just like you–you went— you did the show everyday but you kind of were still figuring it out and like how old are you now?
Kourt: Almost forty.
Kendall: You’re almost forty, and you’re like just starting this Poosh thing. Like everyone goes through like…
Kourt: Yeah, I think it’s like chapters
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: Like you don’t have to have it all figured out.
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: And .I think that’s like an important thing, that, I’m really trying to do now because I get super impatient.
Kendall: Mhm.
Kourt: like im like, I want this now
Kendall: I do too. I get so impatient
Kourt: I don’t have time, like I need to figure it out. This is– Oh this isn’t working for me. Like I’ll be like… the second something like throws it off because I’m such a perfectionist
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: I’ll be like this isn’t working for me.
Kendall: I know what you mean, I do the same.
Kourt: Ok, the final question… what do you want to Poosh yourself to do more of?
Kendall: Maybe to like, be more like… open……… And like loving… to other people and like to the world. I know that’s like
Kourt: Like, like welcoming? Or like when you meet people?
Kendall: Yeah, I mean I am naturally like a very, like when I meet someone I’m very like, kind of shut off.
Kourt: Yeah.
Kendall: I actually kind of like that about me, Like I don’t want to be
Kourt: Open to just anybody?
Kendall: Yeah, exactly. Because I don’t know if everyone is that deserving, I think there are some, like, you know, questionable people out there… But, I do want to be more… I don’t
Kourt: Or maybe, understanding of?
Kendall: Yeah.
Kourt: That pe– everybody
Kendall: I think I also, I think what we all kind of fall victim to is, in this like day-in-age, I think it gets so easy to like, judge someone
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: Via like… the internet! Or
Kourt: Totally
Kendall: Whatever and I think I wanna push myself– Poosh myself to be more…like less of
that. Like less\
Kourt: Less judgy, maybe more understanding?
Kendall: Yeah and like, just like not give it— like not give it that negative energy all the time.
Guy- Yeah.
Kendall: I think that we always like just—
Kourt: Mhm. I do the same thing.
Kendall: We run to, I saw this— I saw, this interview that Gabriel Union did where she
basically talks about how, she would like… kind of, in a— in a place of insecurity almost, she
would jump to talking down about a person.
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: Because it almost made herself, like temporarily feel better about it, when in the long run, it didn’t actually do something to that person… it didn’t—it didn’t hurt their bank account, it didn’t boost hers up, nothing really actually happened. It just kind of put that negative energy on herself, and I think I’d like to push myself to
Kourt: POOSH!
Kendall: Poosh myself to not doing those things.
Kourt: Mhm.
Kendall: Because I think it’s so true, it only brings you down.