The struggle is real. We all want to live our best lives, but the thought of a lifestyle overhaul can be, well, overwhelming.
That’s where biohacks come in. They’re small, easy changes to your everyday routine that can have a huge impact on overall well-being. Try implementing one of the biohacks below for a week, then add another the second week, and so on, until nothing can mess with your equilibrium.
Remember, balance is a journey, not a destination.
Who doesn’t love a good scroll on Instagram before turning off the lights at bedtime? Well, it’s harmful af. The blue light emitted from the screen totally messes with your eyes and your sleep. One to two hours before bed, devices need to be down. If you can’t stand sitting still, try reading a book or meditating to keep your brain occupied.
Get down and break a sweat.
As Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” Exercise also improves mental clarity and provides a source of natural energy throughout the day. Even though bed rotting can be tempting, get up and move your body. Do anything. Walk, run, play a sport, even clean your house. And if you break a sweat, the rewards are even sweeter.
Get out of your cave. Exposure to natural sunlight (especially during the hours of sunrise and sunset) is important, free, and, dare we say, essential. Getting natural sunlight during these hours helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm. So, if you’re fighting insomnia or having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, catching some rays is a simple solution.
The fastest and most reliable way to combat anxiety, stress, or any unpleasant feelings in the body and mind is with the breath. Alternate nostril breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system and takes you out of fight or flight and into zen mode. Abdominal breathing is also helpful. Consciously engaging your diaphragm during the breath signals the body to chill out.
It may sound a little woo-woo, but getting in touch with the Earth and its energy brings a sense of calm to the body. This means getting outside and connecting with nature, whether that’s a forest, a park, or your front lawn. Try walking barefoot or sitting on the grass or ground sans blanket. This practice, known as grounding, is believed to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and create a general sense of inner peace.
Not like that! We’re talking about lymphatic self-massage. The body’s lymphatic system’s main role is to detoxify the body, and a little self-massage goes a long way in cleansing your body. Use your fingertips to make gentle, circular strokes along your body. It will boost your immune system and restore balance in the body.
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