Ever since we were teenagers, Kourt and I have been obsessed with skincare. We have very similar skin types: on the oilier side, prone to acne and discoloration, and needing a lot of TLC. We both love products, even though our skin tends to freak out with too much change. As we entered adulthood, we’d try to save each other from purging and bad reactions by sharing recommendations of certain products and treatments that really worked for our skin. For example, Kourt introduced me to Oxygenetix (the only foundation I use), and I introduced Kourt to Shar (our mutual facialist; click here to read Kourt and Shar’s tips on acne).
So, what advice do we use and love? Below, find our favorite skincare tips through the years: what works and what doesn’t—tried and tested by me and Kourt.
1. Sometimes less is more—especially when going through a breakout. Less fragrance and fewer oils, actives, and products. Stick to the basics to get your skin back on track.
2. Stay away from essential oils on the face. Too many can ruin the skin’s pH, creating an environment ripe for acne and discoloration issues.
3. A healthy acid mantle is key. I wrote about why here.
4. Slather on the sunscreen, even if just staying home (because sun coming through the windows can still create havoc)—and choose one with zinc (an amazing ingredient for acne!).
5. Silk pillowcases for the face—and change them daily; it helps with aging and acne.
6. When in doubt, use fragrance-free for the face. When our skin is freaking out, we remove all products with fragrances because, again, fragrance can alter the skin’s pH.
7. Retinol is a necessity—a multitasker that does it all. It helps with acne, aging, dark spots, and skin resurfacing. We love it.
8. Always read the ingredients—no comedogenic ingredients or oils, ever! Why tempt fate? Just stay away. Kourt used to send me products before she used them, and I’d input all of the ingredients into an algorithm I had created that would say if it would work on our skin type. Because, while brands love to tout that a product is suitable for “all skin types,” chances are it’s not.
9. Know your skin: what works and what doesn’t. Just because a buzzy ingredient is making the beauty rounds doesn’t mean it’s right for you.
10. Apply actives, but not too many. Glycolic and salicylic are two that we use and love.
11. Thick eye cream will cause milia. Opt for a serum or eye gel. Both are less heavy but still hydrating.
12. Hyaluronic acid is the holy grail. All skin needs moisture. HA hydrates without being heavy or sitting in the pores.
13. Wash your face every morning and night, no matter what. Make it part of your self-care routine. Enjoy it. But use a new washcloth every time, to avoid spreading bacteria.
14. Monthly microneedling is amazing for skin texture, pore size, scars, and pigment maintenance. Both Kourt and I are huge fans and do this regularly.
15. Multi-mask. A mask for every skin concern, this is how we do it … honey, clay, turmeric—hydrate, brighten, tighten, and deep-pore cleanse. Kourt has been known to do up to three masks a day—she got all of the Day One Pooshies into multi-masking as a form of self-care.
16. Say no to lasers (but yes to microcurrents for lifting and tightening). Kourt and I don’t love a laser—or, more specifically, our skin doesn’t. Lasers are too stimulating, causing skin purging and, often, discoloration. This is for our skin types—not for everyone.
17. Poosh these ingredients into your skin: peptides, niacinamide, zinc—all necessities for taming breakouts and keeping skin healthy and happy. We both use this peptide cream and love it.
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