The difference between us and AI?
Well, they don’t have access to their own programming, and we can actually access ours, aka our brains. And … it’s likely time for a little update.
Although the wellness world is full of trends, technology has brought us a new practice that is revolutionizing the way we heal and thrive.
It’s called brain mapping, or EEG (electroencephalogram), and Kourt was obsessed with it before she got pregnant. So much so that she gave this Brain Sensing Headband to her friends for the holidays last year, so they could have a taste of the magic—er, science.
If you tuned into our piece on neurofeedback, we’re here to offer you a little more insight into Kourt’s new-ish wellness practice.
Bryan Hixson is the director and founder of The Brain Performance Center, the facility where Kourt goes. He explained that this type of neurofeedback, EEG, is a super informative recording of your brain activity that can dictate an individualized path to healing your brain, the main control center for wellness. So many of us waste time, stress, money, and worry trying to throw things at the wall to see what sticks when it comes to our healing journey. An EEG can help locate the exact source of symptoms.
Here are five things Bryan shared with us about brain mapping and why it should become your new wellness practice too:
1. Measure your mental health.
“An EEG brain map provides an objective measure of how each region of your brain is functioning,” Bryan explains.
“EEG brain mapping can identify specific brain dysfunctions that may be the underlying cause of symptoms. Think: anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, obsessive thinking, excessive worry, ADD, headaches, migraines, chronic pain, memory problems, PTSD, and more.”
That’s an incredible power to put in the hands of someone seeking healing.
An EEG brain map identifies dysfunctions, including those that cause sleep problems. By improving the health of our brains, we can also improve our sleep.
Bryan shares, “The only time your brain detoxes is during non-REM sleep cycles. If you don’t get enough time in these deep sleep cycles, your brain builds up toxins and metabolic waste. An EEG brain map helps identify specific, highly effective nutritional and neurofeedback treatments that normalize the brain’s electrical activity, which regulate sleep cycles and significantly improves sleep quality.”
3. Digestion, hormonal regulation, and immune function can all be improved.
“An EEG brain map measures specific brain activity that, when functioning optimally, restores your immune system, reduces inflammation, promotes natural healing, and optimizes restorative/deep sleep. When this brain activity is dysregulated, inflammation increases, digestion issues occur, energy levels plummet. You can sleep 10 or more hours and still never truly feel rejuvenated,” Bryan tells us.
4. Pinpoint nutritional deficiencies.
A brain map can help identify nutritional deficiencies in your brain that may be affecting your brain health.
Bryan clarifies further, “Nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, B vitamins, and others are essential for your brain to function optimally. A brain map gives objective information that helps direct nutritional interventions based on what your brain needs.”
5. Identify past injuries such as concussions.
The likelihood that most adults have suffered a concussion at some point is pretty high. And so is the fact that we may be totally unaware of it and its effects.
“A concussion does not always involve hitting your head or passing out,” Bryan tells us.
“A whiplash or fall can cause an impact between your brain and the inside of your skull. This impact can tear some of the electrical networks in your brain. Many times, the brain compensates and starts using other electrical networks before the injured networks fully heal. This compensation can impair cognitive function, as well as contribute to anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and more.”
Brain wellness is total-body wellness. Get to the root of all healing, and access your power center with an EEG brain map.
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