I’ve been on my fair share of first dates (aye, single women, you feel me!). Aside from matching with or being set up with someone (however you meet your potential s/o), committing to meet up for a first date is typically the hardest part—coordinating schedules, picking the right location, etc. Deciding what to wear should be a breeze.
Instead of putting unnecessary pressure on myself combing through my closet 30 minutes before my date, I always wear the same outfit combination on nearly every date. For me, I feel most confident in denim (right now, these skinny jeans from Mother), a basic tank or bodysuit, and heels (heeled boots count too). If it’s chilly, I’ll throw a jacket over my shoulders. This combo is what works for me and is appropriate for pretty much any outing (coffee/drinks/dinner). But find what works for you and makes you feel your best. Moral of the story: to ease your wardrobe decisions for your next first date, don’t overcomplicate it, keep it simple, and reach for an outfit combination that always makes you feel fire.
Shop foolproof first-date essentials below.