Dr. Sam Rader is a former psychologist who took what she learned about childhood development, personality, and growth, and turned it into a new healing modality called Source Code.
I was a psychologist for 18 years. But after creating Source Code and witnessing the magic of this new method of healing, I decided to leave the field of mental health.
The mind is only one part of our true self, and in my experience, it’s a part that can go in circles and play tricks on itself. Real, lasting transformation only happens when we go deeper than the mind and shift our energy.
As young children, we get programmed like little computers. What we see, feel, hear, and learn about ourselves and the world creates a code within us that determines how our story unfolds. Source Code helps people rewrite their code for a healthier, more beautiful life.
With Source Code, it’s not only our mood, stories, and behavior that shifts. Our physical bodies and the circumstances in our lives also change as we rewrite our code.
A coding session allowed Erin to give up her story that she had to play small, and the next day, she was recognized by her yoga community as a “master” teacher.
Sara went from being passed over by major publishers to watching them start a bidding war for her manuscript, which led to her scoring an amazing book deal.
Daniela’s breasts grew from a size B to a DD, almost overnight.
These are all stories of real women I’ve helped in the last year who had similar coding. They were all afraid to own their beauty and power because they unconsciously feared other people’s destructive envy.
The reason Source Code shifts not only our insides (our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors) but also our outsides (our bodies and external circumstances) is that everything we experience in the “real” world is simply a reflection of our own energy.
Source Code shifts your energy, which shifts your embodiment, which shifts your life.
A coding session is not like coaching or therapy. We don’t go into the details of your current life or your history. We don’t focus on your day-to-day particulars, nor any specific relationships.
You tell us a bit about what’s going on, and then we use our “X-ray vision” to see beyond the surface to the coding beneath that creates negative patterns.
If you only address your problems at the surface level, it’s like playing a game of Whack-a-Mole. You may fix it here, but it just pops up again over there. No matter how much we wrestle with our concrete realities, our lives show up in the same way with different circumstances until we change the code underneath.
Source Code addresses harmful patterns, so you can liberate yourself from lifelong struggles. It’s more effective than other healing work because it quickly, yet gently, gets to the root cause of issues.
With Source Code, we shift our energy in the here and now, and our whole reality shifts with us.