Lately we’ve been noticing a shift in the beauty world. Where the term “anti-aging” once dominated, “pro-aging” is starting to take precedence. Of course, none of us want to prematurely age … many of us don’t want to age at all. The reality of, well, space and time is that we do and will age; we just want to do it very well. Like a pro.
Pro-aging doesn’t mean we’re all about aging. Yee-haw, aging! While the notion seems positive and realistic, we wanted to get past the ambiguity. We tapped celebrity facialist Candace Marino, aka The LA Facialist, whose hands grace the faces of Miranda Kerr, Grimes, Mandy Moore, and many more for her hot take on the term.
“Pro-aging celebrates life,” she says. “It recognizes the age process as a gift. It’s about working with your body, caring for it, loving it, nourishing it both internally and externally, and celebrating the wisdom and confidence that comes with age instead of obsessing over what once was. Aging is a natural and beautiful part of life—a rite of passage that we’ll experience if we’re fortunate. This is a positive mindset and a way to bring the joy back to the beauty industry. Aging shouldn’t be seen as dreadful; it’s the journey of the human experience, which is so individual and unique and beautiful.”
Excuse us, we’re gonna need a tissue.
“Society has created a negative connotation with aging, through TV, film, fashion, the media, and the beauty industry’s obsession with anti-aging products,” Candace continues. “But when I think about the women I really admire, respect, and look up to, they’re all mid-40s and up. I don’t look at them as ‘older’; I don’t see wrinkles or laxity. I see boldness, confidence, and self-reliance, successes and wisdom, the ability to give advice based on lived experience, not just opinion … What I wish for all women is that they saw themselves the way their younger admirers do.
“With all this said, I don’t believe this movement is all or nothing, I don’t believe in putting people into boxes. You can still be pro-age and do cosmetic procedures that make you feel good about yourself. What makes you happy is your business. You don’t have to give up facials or lasers or even Botox to have a pro-aging outlook. What defines the term ‘pro-aging’ is working with your body instead of against it.”
So just how do we adopt this lifestyle and embrace the beauty and wisdom time brings us? Candace shares her tips:
Touch and physical manipulation is often overlooked, when it can be one of the most healing and impactful methods to support the natural aging process. When we manipulate the muscles, fascia, and skin, we are increasing oxygen and nutrient circulation to the skin by stimulating blood flow. We’re draining lymph nodes and allowing for better product absorption.
Honor your body by keeping it moving. Stretching, walking, and strength training keep your body healthy and strong. This reduces inflammation and supports your bones and muscles through the aging process, which maintains your vitality and posture.
Eat the foods that make you feel alive, energized, and optimized.
Protect the skin with sunscreen and products containing vitamin C and antioxidants that fight off damage from internal and external aggressors that can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin and cause hyperpigmentation. Use retinoids and/or acids to turn over cells, stimulate collagen, and mildly resurface the skin to keep the complexion radiant. Use nourishing ingredients like ceramides, niacinamide, and vitamin-rich oils.
Have a healthy relationship with yourself. Honor your physical body as the vessel for your soul and appreciate its ability to move, create, and self-sustain.
Pro-aging is about not obsessing over what once was—it’s about sustaining your whole being with love, nourishment, and protection, and honoring what it is becoming. It’s about being grateful for what is behind and always looking ahead.
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