We’re constantly scouring the internet for what’s new in the world of wellness, but alas, we aren’t able to cover every cool thing we read about. So, we went back through our Slack channel, found some of the articles that got us yapping the past month, and rounded them up below. Happy reading!
1. “Sports Are the New Dating Apps”
Wanna find love? Take a break from swiping on your phone, and hit the pickleball court to find a date. (Bonus: exercise!)
Read more on The Cut.
2. “The ‘Orgasm Gap’ Isn’t Going Away for Straight Women”
Recent research found that across all ages, women are still having fewer orgasms than men. Booo. We hate to hear it.
Read more on The New York Times.
3. “Musical Memories Don’t Fade with Age”
Our memories begin to decline with age, but this article explores how music is the exception to this rule—and how it could be key in helping those with neurodegenerative disease.
Read more on Scientific American.
4. “Why Your Next Wellness Trip Might Lead You Into a Cave”
“Underground wellness retreat” kinda sounds like the beginning of a horror movie, but caves are the new (old) wellness places to be rn. And they come with some surprising benefits.
Read more on National Geographic.
Long before Charli XCX popularized the term “brat,” there were these five rebellious women. This article delves into the scandalous, salacious lives of the “OG brat girls” and their legacies.
Read more on National Geographic.
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