If you are a mom like me, you’ve probably already heard the hype on the vagina tightening treatment, ThermiVa. And like me, you probably have unanswered questions. What exactly is it? What does it feel like? What does it really do? Is it a gimmick? I debated for a long time as to whether I should bite the bullet and book my first treatment with Mia Belle Skin. After months of contemplation, I decided to go for it. I’m here today to share my experience, answer questions, and tell you everything you need to know about ThermiVa.
I can finally say with confidence (after having done three treatments myself) that my vagina is actually in better shape than it was before I had kids. Who would have thought?
Let me start by saying that first and foremost, this is not just a vagina tightening treatment for women who have had children. This can be a preventative treatment if you start at a young age, but many people are coming to Mia because ThermiVa has helped them with painful sex due to lack of lubrication, weak bladders, or because they want a tightness both internally and externally. She recommends three consecutive treatments because it can take up to three treatments to really experience the benefits of ThermiVa. As soon as I sat down with Mia, she explained that her clientele ranges from women ages 18 to 80.
What exactly does ThermiVa do down there, you might ask? It all starts with collagen. Collagen is such an important protein that helps to keep our skin firm. As we age, we naturally lose collagen everywhere in our bodies. When our skin and tissues have less collagen, they can lose their youthful appearance. ThermiVa uses a painless radiofrequency technology to heat and stimulate the skin and rebuild collagen naturally in the area down there.
As far as the treatments go, they are painless, quick, and easy. Mia is so kind and comforting. There is absolutely nothing uncomfortable about the entire process. Lasting for about 35 minutes, the small handpiece gently heats the tissue (both internal and external) via radiofrequency energy. It actually feels like a warm, sometimes almost hot, finger massage inside—honestly, it feels good and is relaxing.
There is no downtime with ThermiVa, and naturally, my husband wanted to dive right in afterward to see if we noticed any changes. When we have sex now, there are noticeable differences. I definitely feel tighter, and I have to be honest, the most noticeable change is that I’m wetter. As much as I love my coconut oil, I don’t need as much these days. Lastly, the orgasms are far more intense and easier to get to. Maybe that’s just my experience, but if I could do it all over again, $1000 treatment aside (times three), I would go for it just the same. I’m a fan of anything that is going to help my vagina return back to its original state and form. On that note, thank you, Mia. I’ll be back for maintenance in nine months.
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