I have a tiny closet. My tiny closet has a door.
This seems like a random detail, but it’s crucial to the story because I have a tendency to shove a bunch of stuff into spaces behind a door. That way, even though there’s still clutter, it’s all contained in one space that I don’t have to acknowledge. As a result of this habit, the small second room in my house has become what I refer to as the “shame room.”
So, you can imagine that my tiny closet was quite chaotic. We’re talking “the dinner party episode of The Office chaotic. (IYKYK)
But after the excavation of a specific pair of heels made me late to my wedding dress shopping appointment, I decided that enough was enough.
It took perseverance, but I finally managed to get my chaotic closet under control. And I couldn’t have done it without a few key items—namely, the Amazon products I’m about to wax poetic about. (They’re all under $25, fyi.)
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