EFT Tapping Meditation Video Transcription
So, the tapping we are going to do is for that moment when you feel overwhelmed or triggered by another person. So this is perfect to do when you first exit and you need to regulate.
We are going to start by noticing how we feel in our body. Maybe it shows up as tension in your jaw or your shoulders or maybe it’s pressure in your chest, or a knot in your stomach. So notice where that is in your body and then let’s give that tension a number. From 0 to 10, 10 being the most intense. Make note of that now. Then let’s take a nice, deep breath together.
[Inhales/Exhales] And you can repeat after me, in your own mind, or out loud. We are going to tap the side of our hand and say, “Even though I’m feeling really upset with this person, I honor how I feel and give my body permission to relax. Even though I’m feeling really triggered, I accept how I feel and I breathe deeply.”
Even though I’m upset how this interaction went, I accept myself and how I feel. And now we are going to spend some time giving a voice to that frustration. So we are going to move to the eyebrow. All of this frustration. Side of the eye. It’s not fair. Under the eye. How they are acting is wrong. Under the nose. I feel really triggered. Under the mouth. I feel mad at them. Collarbone, and I’m a little mad at myself. Under the arm. For letting them get to me. Top of the head. I’m really upset.
This conflict has left me feeling angry. Side of the eye. I feel upset. Under the eye. It feels unfair. Under the nose. And I feel all of this tension in my body. Under the mouth. I’m still fighting with them in my own head. Collarbone. It’s hard to think of anything else. Under the arm. I honor how hard this has been. Top of the head. It’s safe to begin to relax.
Even before anything changes. Side of the eye. I can experience more peace. Under the eye. Even before this conflict is resolved. Under the nose. I can begin to feel more centered. Under the mouth. By giving my body permission to relax. Collarbone. I take a step back. Under the arm. I become curious. Top of the head. What is this experience remind me of?
What am I really feeling? Side of the eye. Is it anger? Sadness? Jealousy? Frustration? Disappointment? Under the eye. I’m open to getting clarity. Under the nose. I don’t need all of the answers. Under the mouth. But I stay open to them. Collarbone. I let my body relax. Under the arm. I am safe. Top of the head. I am open to peace and clarity.
Good. Now take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, notice how you feel. If any ideas or thoughts into the things you tapped, take note of them. Write them down. And also, notice on the scale from 1 to 10, where you’re at now. Good.
Anapana Meditation Video Transcription
This is a beautiful meditation. It’s called the Anapana Meditation and it’s from the Veta school and we’re going to do a short version of it. But this is an incredible meditation to do when you’re feeling off your center, when you’re feeling a little disconnected from yourself and you really want to bring yourself back into presence. This meditation will get you there.
So before we begin, find a comfortable spot to sit. Maybe your back is supported or you’re sitting on something to hold you comfortably in place. Good. And then let’s take a nice deep breath in…bring yourself into this moment. (Inhales) Sit comfortably, comfortably with the neck straight, the back upright, settle and relax, and gently close the eyes. (Closes her eyes)
Relax the face, the mouth and let them soften. Bring the awareness to the breath. Breath coming into the nostrils, (Breathes in through nostrils) breath coming out of the nostrils (Breathes out through nostrils) Breath coming in (Breathes in through nostrils), breath coming out (Breathes out through nostrils)
Bring all of your attention, bring the entire attention to the breath. Notice the breath, notice the flow, allow it to flow as it is. Feel the sensation of the breath. The breath as it is. Do not change the breath, allow the breath to flow as it is. If it is long, let it be long. If it is short, let it be short. Let it be natural, let it be normal. Be aware of the breath as it is. Breathe, breathe with awareness. (Breathes in and out through nostrils)
Aware of every breath as it is, in through the nostrils (breathes in through the nostrils) and out through the nostrils (breathes out through nostrils), all focus at the entrance of the nostrils. Breathe, breathe with awareness. (Breathes in and out of nostrils a few times)
If there is sound, let there be sound. Come back to the breath. If there is thought, let there be thought, come back to the breath. If there is sensation, let there be sensation. Come back to the breath. We simply notice, and allow it to be, and bring the attention back to the breath. Full attention to the breath, in through the nostrils (Breathes in through the nostrils), out through the nostrils (Breathes out through nostrils). Breathe, breathe with awareness. (Breathes in and out through nostrils a few times)
Allow the breath to be as it is. If the mind wanders onto thought, notice the thought, allow it to be, let it drift away. Bring the awareness back to the breath. Be aware of the breath. Remain vigilant, aware, awake, alert, watchful. Breathe, Breathe with awareness. (Breathes in and out through nostrils a few times)
Bring the attention to the breath, full attention to the breath. Everything breath. Full attention of the breath. Nothing but breath. Everything breath. Fully in breath. The full attention on the breath. Breath flowing in through the nostrils, breath flowing out through the nostrils. Breath flowing in, breath flowing out. In (breathes in), Out (breathes out)
Now we’re going to sit in silence for a few moments, keeping the attention on the breath. If the mind wanders, simply bring the attention back to the breath. Breathe, breathe with awareness.
(Does her own practice of Anapana Meditation, breathing in and breathing out of the nostrils for a longer period of time than before)
Now, keeping the eyes closed, we can relax our concentration. Taking the mind away from the breath, just allowing the mind to be. Allowing any sensations in the body to just settle down…(slight pause in speaking) and in your own time, whenever you feel comfortable, you can slowly open the eyes.
It was good, it was easy. This is how we meditate. We don’t worry if the mind wandered. (Slight pause in speaking) Every time we practice this meditation, we increase our capacity to be in the present moment.
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Video Transcription:
This is Nadi Shodhana Pranayama and in sanskrit this means channel purification.
So this is gonna calm and center your mind, and bring you into the present moment, it’s going to relieve stress and balances the left and right hemispheres of your brain.
So we’re gonna be breathing through the nostrils. So with your right hand, the index finger is curled and were going to be using your thumb, and the middle and the ring fingers to block off the nostrils.
So we’re gonna be breathing in and out. Using light pressure, find the indentations in your nose, and we’re gonna go back and forth, just like this. Take a deep breath in. Close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril. Close the left nostril with the fingers, exhale right nostril.Inhale right nostril. Close the right nostril, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril. Exhale right nostril.
So that’s about one round, and were going to be doing about five or six of those rounds and I’m going to talk you through it. So if you get confused, just remember that you switch sides when you exhale.
So let’s begin. Lets get your spine long, your jaw relaxed, your chin down, shoulders back, heart open, left hand on the knee, right hand tucked index finger in. Take a deep breathe in, close the right nostril with the thumb and breathe out. Keep the thumb where it is and breathe in. Close the left nostril, exhale the right nostril. Inhale right nostril, close the right nostril, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril, close your eyes.
Close the left nostril with the fingers, exhale right nostril. Inhale right nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril. Close the left nostril, exhale on the right nostril. Inhale right nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril. Close the left nostril with the fingers, exhale right nostril. Inhale right nostril, close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril. Close that nostril with the fingers, exhale right nostril. Inhale right nostril, close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left nostril.
Inhale left nostril. Close the left nostril with the fingers, exhale right nostril. Inhale right nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left. Inhale left nostril, close the left nostril with the fingers. Exhale right nostril. Inhale right nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale left nostril.
Now drop the hand in the lap and just sit and breathe gently in and out. Feel how calm you feel. Breathing in and breathing out. Nice deep breathes in and out, deep belly breaths. Then you can slowly open your eyes whenever you’re ready.