Early signs of aging have many sources. We get dark spots from sun damage, from allergic reactions that scar, scratches, burns, and the most common, picking, and lines from free-radicals from food, the environment, alcohol, and more, as well as sun-loving sans proper protection. While picking is a pandemic we all hope to heal ourselves from (for the most part, it’s a mental battle) the scars and darkness from picking-past is something to contend with.
Whether our breakouts are hormonal, or we suffer from inflammation and stress, or are guilty of a little sun worship and skipped the SPF one too many times (don’t skip it!) hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and dark spots are extremely common.
This damaged tissue— because that’s what it is— doesn’t magically go away all on it’s own. For some spots, time will heal them, but without a little help this could take years. Other spots are here to stay without a serious push from special products and ingredients.
Essentially, spots must be exfoliated away. While there are specialized lasers for the treatment of melasma and super intense, more textural acne scars, most dark spots can be treated at home with topical products. Exfoliation is also great for wrinkles at their early stages, as well as some high-tech gadgets.
Because there are many ways to exfoliate, and dangers when it comes to over-exfoliation, (like damaging our skin’s protective barrier, making our skin red and raw inviting in more bacteria and inflammation) we want to use exfoliating products as instructed— no more in hopes to expedite the process. With that in mind, here are our favorite tricks for fading spots as quickly, yet naturally as we can.
These work by encouraging dead skin and the top layer of cells to dissolve, and new cells to grow and develop. This will help heal the appearance of dark spots and fine lines as fresh skin builds new layers. Even plain yogurt has enough lactic acid to do some exfoliating while replenishing more moisture, but make sure to get unflavored and full-fat, like greek yogurt.
Honey is antimicrobial, which can help prevent those breakouts that make you pick in the first place. It’s also mildly exfoliating and moisturizing, leaving skin even, dewy, and supple. We love prepared masks with other super skin ingredients to pack a powerful punch, but good old plain honey works wonders on its own as well, especially brands loaded with propolis and vitamins and enzymes to multitask troubled skin.
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