Packing is one of those things where logic doesn’t seem to fully apply. We’ll force 438 different swimsuits into our luggage like our lives depend on it, yet cringe at making space for any workout gear. (Our kingdom for Hermione Granger’s charmed purse.) While it’s more than OK to take a break from working out while on vacation, it can be good—especially for motivation—to incorporate some sort of workout into our travel itinerary.
With that in mind, we went and found our favorite quick workouts that are suited for traveling. Meaning—they don’t take up a lot of time (that could be spent sunning by the pool), and they can be done with minimal or no equipment (more room for swimsuits). Check them out below.
Four sets of 5 minutes jumping rope (for Kourt, this equals around 500 jumps)
Between each set, alternate:
• 25 push-ups (you can do these on your knees if you need to)
• 25 dips
• 100 crunches
Serve the Platter
Hug a Tree
Arm-Assisted Crunches
Side-Line Sweeps
*Repeat this circuit up to five times
Bridge Abductions
Single-Leg Bridge
Fire Hydrants
Plank Oblique Tap to Knee Drive
Breathing Warm-Up
Half-Circle Arm Pulses
Upper Chest Pulse
Hand-to-Ceiling Lift
Front-to-Back Arm Extension
Tricep Extensions
Weighted Circular Arm Pulses
Side-to-Side Arm Extenders
Weighted Arm Stretch
Broad Jump to Back Pedal
High Mountain Climbers
Traveling Skaters
Squat Jacks
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