Kourtney Kardashian
We may not be fortune tellers, but we have a finger on the pulse when it comes to beauty and wellness trends. Some “trends” are ancient practices coming full circle, others are how we’re learning to cope and adapt to our new normal.
We’re learning more and more about our bodies every day in science and in spirituality, and the world is exploding with ways to live better, longer, and more in tune with nature and ourselves, and we are all the way on board. While some of these are teetering on the edge of 2021, this is where we see 2022 headed in full force …
Intuitive eating
Slowly but surely, we’re waving buh-bye to the days of choking down what we feel we should just to stay on our grind. You know, those days when you reeeeeally want a warm bowl of oatmeal or an omelet, but you’ve had a smoothie the last 42 days in a row and feel like you’ll absolutely ruin everything if you stop now? Intuitive eating is slowing down and thinking about what your body wants. Ayurveda asks us to think about our current disposition and what we might need to bring ourselves into a state of balance, and we see that winning more and more over what we think we should do.
Hormone healing
Intuitive eating often goes hand in hand with hormones, especially for those with uteri. Up until the past two years or so, many fully grown, high-functioning adult women were walking around thinking all we have is a period, and the time we’re not on our period, not accounting for the immensely diverse four different phases within our monthly cycle. And our hormones are doin’ something way different in each and every phase, and our bodies need different nutrients during those times. Learning and then intimately knowing what those foods are can help us tune into our innate intuitive understanding, and eat according to hormonal needs.
Ivy Wellness Tracker
Price: $249
More sleep gadgets
While some of us are still itching to hit the clerb, many of us are more excited to be in bed with the white noise on before 10 p.m. More and more studies are being given the well-deserved limelight, highlighting just how precious sleep is for our neuroprotective health, immune system, skin, hormones, beauty, and overall longevity. We foresee heightened technology around sleep, like eye masks, buzzy frequency gadgets that can calm our bodies and put us in shut-off mode, air purifiers, herbal remedies, weighted blankets, special pillows that block or allow light for ample sleep, etc.
Whole-body orgasms
Orgasms don’t have to be limited to our reproductive regions or our concentrated nerve endings thereabouts … or as some refer to them, a “genital sneeze.” There’s nothing wrong with experiencing a quick burst of pure sexual pleasure—in fact, we adore it. Encourage it. Chase it. Have toys just to achieve it. Though, people are starting to understand that orgasmic pleasure is not limited to the sexual organs, and can be experienced all over. As we learn more about our bodies and sensorial experiences, we can learn to let go of expectations and discover that orgasmic pleasure is a vast, limitless field of exploration.
Focusing on brain wellness
Our mental health is a major component of longevity. We are thinking not just about therapy and self-realization, but the actual physical brain. What kinds of flavonoids should we be consuming? What medicinal mushrooms will improve our memory and learning ability? What can cannabinoids do for our neurological strength? How does sleep prevent neurodegenerative disorders? We see the shift in wellness moving from popping six-pack abs, to maintaining—and improving—our faculties as we age.
Low-impact workouts
We have underestimated the efficacy of low-intensity workouts—we squeeze in pilates and yoga as part of our recovery workout schedule instead of making them starting players. Not only do low-intensity workouts have the ability to burn fat as we tend to think is reserved for cardio, but they are also great for mental clarity, health, and stress management.
Composting (for everyone)
Composting kitchen scraps feels reserved for those with gardens, or those who know someone with a garden, but it’s becoming much more accessible for those living in big cities to contribute to local community gardens or leave a compost bin out for city pickup. But now, there are chic ways of composting in your sleek, gardenless apartment with countertop composting devices! We think we’ll see a rise in composting technology next year, minimizing our trash waste and using it for good.
Kitchen Composter
Price: $499
Healing frequencies
We’ve all heard soothing spa music, and most of us are familiar with binaural beats, but what does music have in common? It’s all just vibrational frequencies. Frequencies affect us in a number of ways—they can stimulate us, make us excited and pumped, anxious and irritable, joyful and calm, relaxed and sleepy, and even stimulate cell renewal and healing. We see the next few years bringing us tons of new tech and science about how to harness this power and make it work for us as a passive but powerful wellness tool.
Intergenerational trauma awareness
What’s in the past is not just in the past. No longer just a woo-woo-esque theory, intergenerational trauma is getting real attention for its very real existence. While we do our best not to become our parents, certain “isms” make themselves appear not because we adopted them voluntarily, but because they are in our blood. With the rise of accessibility in mental health and counseling, we’re seeing more people dive deeper into what makes them, them.
Circadian wellness focus
Sleep is the cornerstone of health from which all other modes of wellness branch off. A proper circadian cycle cultivates this excellent sleep hygiene; understanding when to get light in the eyes in the morning, when to start shutting out blue light, when to light candles and dim overheads, and when to get to bed. It’s about rhythm and routine, and when we shape our lives to be more circadian, sleep, skin, gut, energy, and immune wellness all improve.
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