Racing heart? Sweaty palms? Difficulty letting your mind “shut off”? All signs point to late-night anxiety. While there are several symptoms of evening anxiety (and anxiety in general)—as everyone experiences it differently—if the endless tossing and turning sound all too familiar, our editor, Michelle Scanga, has some calming tips for you. Since sweet dreams and an uninterrupted night’s rest don’t always come with ease, she’s sharing five simple habits below to incorporate into your evening ritual to help overcome the stress keeping you up at night.
Disclaimer: These are all tips that have helped me sleep loose and gain more zzz’s. They might not work for you, but I wanted to share my nighttime hacks in case you also experienced nighttime anxiety.
Tip one:
I always save looking at my favorite meme accounts until the end of the day. Yes, I know you should reduce screentime before falling asleep, but for me, on nights when I’m feeling super anxious, looking at silly accounts lends an automatic giggle. When you laugh, you release endorphins, aka the feel-good chemical, which can help you relax and then lead to falling asleep easier. As I said, works for me.
Tip two:
Vibe it out with your favorite vibrator. Self-pleasure equals self-care, and sometimes a little action under the sheets is the best way to earn a quality amount of shut-eye. Just give it a try.
Tip three:
OK, this one may sound bonkers, but I’ve noticed when I’m feeling tense and my mind is racing, I have to remind myself to physically relax my body. For example, I’ll open my palms and place them on the bed, which helps me feel grounded. If you’re like me, then you probably tend to clench up when anxiety hits. Roll your shoulders back, take a deep breath, and use my hand-release tip!
Tip four:
When in doubt, call a friend or family member who can help talk you through what’s on your mind and keeping you up. A solid vent session can truly clear your head and allow you to enter a good sleep.
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