I used to love coffee. Like, people were alarmed by how much coffee I drank. But about a year ago, I went to take a sip, and the rich, beautiful nectar I have relied on for nearly two-thirds of my life tasted…unpleasant. So I had to switch to tea because—sorry—I need my caffeine to cosplay as a functioning member of society.
It was a Goldilocks-esque situation.
Plain green tea made me nauseous. Matcha, while delicious, was too complicated (having to clean a whisk every morning was the weird hill my brain was willing to die on). Black tea gave me a stomachache. I couldn’t find a healthy caffeinated beverage that I could rely on.
A dire time, everyone.
So, while I was excited to try Olyxir’s Lymphatic Cleanse Tea, I definitely didn’t expect it to become a staple in my morning routine—but it did.
Let’s start with the basics: it’s caffeinated, it tastes really good, and it’s easy to make.
Each serving contains 40 milligrams of caffeine. Yes, this is less than the 70 milligrams a single shot of espresso contains, but my caffeine tolerance has definitely decreased lately. And because it contains energy-boosting ingredients, I feel awake but not jittery.
The tea comes in strips made from finely ground tea leaves that dissolve in water. I mean, this is life-changing for a person who can not handle things like the whisk scenario from before. (No executive function in this brain, babyyyy!)
The strip format also means less waste than processed tea bags. And because you actually ingest all of the herbs, you get more nutrients too. No notes.
Now onto the really good stuff.
These tea strips were made in collaboration with Rebecca Faria, renowned lymphatic system expert and the founder of @detoxbyrebecca. So in addition to having the basics, the strips also promote detoxification of the lymphatic system (aka I look and feel way less bloated and puffy—even when I’m PMSing).
“I picked Brazilian fruits and herbs that boost immunity and carry anti-inflammatory qualities,” Faria tells us. “These ingredients also cleanse impurities and promote powerful detoxification of the lymphatic system.”
Guaraná, a fruit from the Amazon rainforest, is one such ingredient. “It’s rich in compounds with antioxidant properties and is a natural diuretic,” Faria says. “The guaraná also enhances detoxification by waterproofing the digestive tract’s walls. That process restricts the amount of water secreted into the intestines, which is excellent drainage for the lymphatic system and perfect for detoxifying your body,” she explains.
Research has also found that guarana seeds have four times as much caffeine as coffee beans, which adds to the tea’s energizing effects.
In addition to guaraná, the strips also contain yerba maté, lemon balm, ginger, and peppermint.
Make this tea a part of your morning routine here.
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