Unless it’s that time of the month, most of us don’t think much about care down there.
Although women’s bodies are remarkable and resilient, we should level up the attention paid to our lady parts, treating them with the love and respect they deserve. That begins with our vulvas.
Dr. Clare Bertucio, the CEO and Founding Chief Medical Officer of Medicine Mama, wants women to hear this message far and wide.
“Vulva care is skin care! Just as we take care of the skin on our faces and the rest of our bodies, so should we think about a routine to take care of the beautiful and delicate skin of the vulva,” she says.
The vulva and vagina are often mistaken for each other, but Dr. Bertucio emphasizes the importance of making the distinction. The vulva encompasses the external female genitalia, including the mons pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris, and the vaginal opening. Because the vulva is skin, it “requires external care to remain healthy and comfortable.”
You’ll be thrilled to learn the vulva is just as finicky as the skin on our face. “Many things can throw it off balance,” Dr. Bertucio explains. “(Peri)menopause, postpartum, medications, sex, and even clothing,” are frequent culprits. But not all care for the vulva Is the right care.
“Just as you would only use products created for your face, on your face, you should really consider using products such as ours when starting a vulva care routine. They are specially formulated to support and nourish the unique biome and pH of the vulva,” she says. She also adds that vulva skincare products should be free of fragrances and harsh chemicals to avoid irritation.
Without proper care, Dr. Bertucio informs us that the vulva can suffer. Over time, effects may include reduced suppleness, dehydration, and loss of flexibility. This may lead to discomfort, irritation, infection, and pain during intimacy. Sign us up for none of those!
But, according to Dr. Bertucio, “vulva care has benefits beyond supporting skin function. It is also a way for women to get in touch with their bodies, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health, engage in safe and fulfilling sexual experiences, and advocate for their reproductive rights.”
If you’re ready to embark on your vulva care journey, Dr. Bertucio recommends three types of products for your routine, and she explains how to use them.
“An organic, hormone-free vulva moisturizer relieves dryness and irritation brought on by (peri)menopause, postpartum, sexual activity, grooming, or medical treatments. Use daily for hydration or anytime you need relief from vulvar dryness or discomfort.”
“A gentle, fragrance-free cleanser rejuvenates and nourishes skin, leaves no residue, and helps support the pH of your vulva. When washing the vulva, it is important to use something with a gentle surfactant, so as not to strip moisture from the skin.”
“A finely milled sugar scrub is perfect for prepping the skin for grooming and preventing ingrown hairs. It’s ideal for bikini season but can be used year-round.”
Having the right probiotic, creams and bath salts are also key in maintaining a healthy pH level. Scroll down to shop a few of our favorites!
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