When you travel, so much of it is creating energy through the music you listen to, the experiences you have, and the people you meet. It’s how you see things through your eyes differently than someone else. The music you listen to while on vacation creates lifelong memories, and when you hear those songs, you’ll always get a flood of feelings that bring you back to that particular trip.
Kourt’s Italy playlist is just that—it channels the mood of her latest trip to Sardinia and Portofino with her kids and friends Simon Huck and Phil Riportella. She started curating the list while she was there and fighting off jet lag. Throughout her vacation, songs were sent to her, and a few were recommended by people she met there. The playlist made cameos while they were on the boat, getting ready to go out, and even in the morning while Kourt would brush her teeth—it would always set the right vibe. Listen to the full playlist on Apple Music or Spotify and let us know in the comments on Instagram which playlist you’d like us to share next.
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