Seed cycling has officially entered the Poosh chat. Kourt turned us on to this hormone-balancing practice, and it’s super simple to do. So, obvs, we had to share it with you.
Below, the 411 on seed cycling.
Seed cycling is the practice of consuming four different seeds—pumpkin, flax, sesame, and sunflower—at different stages of your menstrual cycle as a way to help support a healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone.
In a nutshell (seed shell?), you consume ground flax and pumpkin seeds in a one-to-one ratio during your follicular phase and ground sesame and sunflower seeds in a one-to-one ratio during your luteal phase.
As a quick refresher, the follicular phase is the first 14 days of your menstrual cycle, and the luteal phase is the last 14 days. (Ofc, there are variations from person to person.) During the follicular phase, estrogen levels increase while progesterone levels are low. The luteal phase occurs after ovulation, and estrogen levels drop while progesterone levels rise.
How Kourt does seed cycling:
Kourt blends seeds into her smoothies (like this yummy blueberry treat) and also sprinkles them on top of her salads—making sure to rotate which seeds she uses based on her cycle.
Curious about trying it for yourself? Here’s how to seed cycle:
Days 1-14 of your cycle: Consume 1 tablespoon of ground pumpkin seeds and 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds.
Days 15-28 of your cycle: Consume 1 tablespoon of ground sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon of ground sunflower seeds.
If you don’t have a regular cycle, it is recommended to follow the moon cycle. New moon = day 1. Full moon = Day 15.
What are the benefits of seed cycling?
While evidence right now is mostly anecdotal, proponents say that seed cycling can help with issues like:
- Acne
- Irregular periods
- Fertility
- And other hormone-related symptoms
In addition, seeds are just really good for you in general because they’re full of antioxidants, fiber, and omega fatty acids.
How does seed cycling work?
Again, more research is needed. But, essentially, the combo of nutrients in seeds is thought to help balance hormones during the menstrual cycle.
Both flax seeds and sesame seeds contain lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that is thought to support healthy estrogen levels. Basically, they can both improve estrogen levels and prevent excess estrogen.
Pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are high in zinc, which appears to support the reproductive system and lessen menstrual pain.
Vitamin E
Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is thought to help boost progesterone levels.
Sunflower seeds also bring selenium to the table. Researchers believe this mineral directly affects the thyroid and healthy hormone regulation.
Note: While seed cycling may help support balanced hormones as part of a healthy lifestyle, you should always discuss any medical concerns with your doctor.
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