Like attracts like, law of attraction. We know.
If only it were so easy to train our brains to think differently than we have been taught our entire lives. Spiritual Mentor and Quantum Healer, Erin Panzarella knows better than most that coming into your ultimate abundance mindset and magnetizing all that you desire is no easy feat. Otherwise, we’d all be living our dream lives, simple as that.
Erin explains why cultivating an abundance mindset on your own is often more difficult than people think.
“[It’s] not because of a lack of willpower, but rather, due to the impact of ‘nature and nurture.’ From the moment you’re born until the age of approximately eight years old, your brain is a sponge.
“At this point in your life, you take on other people’s beliefs—most often your parents or caregivers—as your own. Your brain doesn’t have the ability to critically think or question these beliefs as true or false. They all become facts rooted in your subconscious mind. Once you become aware, you want to create a mindset of abundance rather than lack. It can be a lot trickier than reciting affirmations or simply deciding that you want to change the way you think, speak, and act.”
Subconscious programming runs deep. It’s powerful. It dictates the vast majority of our thoughts, how we process experiences, and how we form expectations, so undoing that work is not for the weak-willed.
Erin goes on to express that “it’s not uncommon to grow up with limiting beliefs around abundance. Many find it challenging to create an abundance mindset once they age beyond the ‘sponge years.’ You have to use different tools to connect with your subconscious in order to change beliefs that were established during your childhood. This is where hypnotherapy becomes extremely powerful. It allows you to access your subconscious mind where other tools may fall short.”
No, Erin is not going to dangle a watch in front of your face and command you to sleep. However, the experience is entirely relaxing, as she takes the reins on a controlled brain-wave state for a reprogramming experience.
She breaks it down here:
“Hypnosis is a process where you are put into a super focused, deeply relaxed state of mind to create change on the subconscious level. Hypnosis practitioners and hypnotherapists will assess which kind of language will be most effective when they bring you into a hypnotic state, and then use certain words and cues to assist you into these alpha and theta brain waves. This helps you create more positive beliefs and resolve certain issues that won’t budge if you approach them with only your conscious mind.”
Again, Erin cautions us to let go of trite, uneducated, and downright cartoonish ideas of performative hypnosis, since it spreads misinformation and creates a lot of fear around it.
“Quacking like a duck in front of a crowd or falling asleep at the snap of a finger has given hypnotherapy a bad reputation. Hypnosis is not meant to be a state of mind control. You’re actually hyper-aware during each session. You are the one in charge! No one can force you to do something you don’t want to do. If you ever want to come out of hypnosis, all you have to do is state your name. Finding an ethical practitioner that you trust is important, but there is no need to fear going into a hypnosis session.”
While hypnosis for abundance can be super effective in just one session, Erin suggests giving it up to four sessions to really chip away at deep-rooted programming. Because everyone’s mind varies in its suggestibility, the results can totally be permanent, but some may need more guidance.
But boy, is it powerful.
Erin shares, “A mindset of abundance is an incredible way to navigate through life, and using hypnosis to help you in this area can be incredibly effective. Abundance is a state of being, and getting your subconscious on board with a mindset of abundance is one of the most effective ways to get the most out of your human experience. Why not experience the infinite potential that life has to offer and bring whatever resources you want into your current reality?
“On the contrary, a lack mindset creates ideas that you don’t have what you need. An abundance mindset reminds you that anything you desire is on its way to you. Once our conscious and subconscious minds are on board, we can make new decisions and truly live a life of abundance.”
Spiritual Mentor and Quantum Healer, Erin Panzarella was adopted at a young age and lost her adopted father right before her 5th birthday. These events confronted her with many emotional challenges and abandonment beliefs which later affected her teen years. The heaviness spiraled into negative habits, debt, self-sabotage, and toxic relationships. Finally during her first year of college, Erin agreed to go see her adopted mother’s reiki healer. After that, Erin was hooked. This healer inspired her intense healing journey, and later her spiritual career. For over a decade now Erin has gotten certified in a wide variety of spiritual modalities which she uses with her clients. She is a trauma-informed Reiki Master, Akashic Records Reader, NLP Practitioner, and even holds more certifications in practices like Breathwork, Kundalini Somatics, Human Design, Hypnosis and Past Life Regression methods. Erin’s mentorship is designed to help anyone heal, no matter their past, lineage, heritage or circumstances.
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