If you’re wondering how to tone your stomach, then this series of exercises from celeb personal trainer Amanda Lee is an absolute must-try. The mini-workout activates a variety of muscles in your core, helping to strengthen and tone your abs.
And a strong core is super important. After all, it’s the body’s center of gravity, and it supports posture, balance, and coordination.
Press Play on the video to see how to do each move, and get the full workout below.
Side Plank Pulse – 30 reps per side
How to: Get into a side plank position, keeping your torso lifted. Then, move up and down for little pulses.
Bridge Crunch – 20 reps
How to: Lay on your back, and lift your butt up while keeping your knees bent. Then, alternate bringing each knee towards you while keeping your core engaged.
Alternating Leg Kicks – 30 reps
How to: Lay on your back with your head lifted and supported by your arms. Then, lower and lift one leg at a time while keeping abs engaged.
Mountain Climber Plank with Leg Raise – 10 reps per side
How to: Get into a plank position, and bring one knee to the opposite elbow. Then, extend your leg backwards and lift it. Repeat on the other side.
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