Not all scars have to be forever. We don’t have to accept every gash, burn, slice, or pock as a permanent part of us.
Dr. Dahlia Rice, plastic surgeon and founder of DMR Aesthetics, has extensive experience with the kinds of incisions, wounds, and past traumas that often result in scars. Because she works with a precision that allows the skin to heal extremely well, she is (of course) an expert on how to heal scars quickly and prevent further damage.
Some people’s scars are more noticeable than others, and this is most often due to the amount of melanin present in the skin and its effect on keloids—aka benign growths of extra scar tissue—around the area.
Here are Dr. Dahlia’s top five tips:
“Silicone patches are one of the most effective treatments for reducing scar appearance. They work by hydrating the scar tissue, which helps to soften and flatten the scar over time. Silicone creates an occlusive barrier that locks in moisture and improves collagen remodeling,” Dr. Dahlia explains.
Consistency is key. Dr. Dahlia tells us that regular use of silicone patches can reduce the itchiness and redness often associated with scars. For optimal results, they should be applied daily for several months, beginning after the skin has healed together. This usually takes around two to three weeks after surgery or injury but can take longer, depending on the depth of the scar.
Silicone Gel Adhesive Sheets
Price: $23
“While minimally invasive, this treatment can significantly improve the texture and appearance of scars by creating micro-injuries with tiny needles to stimulate collagen production, promoting skin regeneration,” Dr. Dahlia says. “This may reduce the depth and visibility of scars over time. It’s especially effective for acne scars and surgical scars, but it should be performed by a trained professional to ensure safety and efficacy.”
It’s important to note that microneedling too soon can disrupt the natural healing process, so give your skin some time to take care of itself before puncturing it again.
Circulation heals. Dr. Dahlia tells us, “Massaging the scar area can be a highly effective way to break down scar tissue and improve circulation, promoting healing and flexibility. Regular massaging with a gentle oil, such as vitamin E or coconut oil, can help soften the scar and improve the skin’s texture. But before starting any massage, it’s important to wait until the wound has fully healed, so there are no open areas or significant inflammation.”
Dr. Dahlia recommends beginning with your fingers, making gentle, circular massage motions. As the tissue matures, you can gradually increase the intensity of the massage with tools (like a gua sha.) With this method, you’ll avoid exacerbating pain or redness.
“Nicotine use, including vape pens, can significantly impair wound healing,” Dr. Dahlia says. Nicotine restricts blood flow, which reduces oxygen and nutrient delivery to healing tissues. This can delay the healing process and increase the risk of poor scar outcomes.”
Reason number 8,354 to be diligent with sun protection: UV rays can darken scars and make them more noticeable.
“Protecting your scar from the sun for a full 12 months is essential,” Dr. Dahlia says. “Using a high-SPF sunscreen or covering the area when exposed to the sun will help prevent hyperpigmentation and keep the scar as inconspicuous as possible.”
Whether you’re recovering from a rather nasty breakout you (regrettably) tampered with or healing from a major injury or surgery, you can take comfort in knowing that some control over the final outcome really is in your hands. A few at-home rituals can make a major difference, and some in-office scar treatments like microneedling could be cause for a conversation with your insurance provider.
Happy healing!
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