When the days get shorter, a 1 p.m. sun can start drawing long shadows that give more of a 4 or even 5 p.m. vibe. That’s if the sun comes out at all. Ah yes, sweater weather, but also cuffing season, a period of cold fronts, and the time of year that really dials down the fun for those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka S.A.D.
S.A.D. is more than just feeling a little blue. It can affect energy levels and motivation and leave us feeling downright depleted. So when you’re in a funk like this, how do you pull yourself out? We’ve compiled a few gadgets and hacks that can get you into a more elevated mindset, so you can get on with your life.
Loftie Clock
Price: $126
Wake up on the right side of the bed thanks to this clock. It uses a two-phase alarm that mimics your body’s natural waking process and features refreshingly non-alarming alarm sounds.
Get moving (even if you're feeling super unmotivated).
While it may be difficult to get inspired, moving your body is an excellent way to move energy around and change your state of being. It could be a brisk walk, a HIIT workout, yoga, jumping up and down and shaking out the limbs, or even just dancing with your headphones on to boost your circulation and give your brain a dopamine hit.
Take a quality vitamin D supplement.
Vitamin D Sun
Price: $30
Dr. Nigma
When it’s chilly out—whether the sun is shining or not—we aren’t getting adequate Vitamin D absorbed through our skin. We’re covered up, and during the winter months the sunlight is at a lower angle and lacks intensity. Vitamin D is crucial for boosting mood, so it’s a smart idea to supplement with a quality vitamin D supplement to prevent a deficiency.
Make some dietary changes.
Dark, leafy greens and fatty fish contain compounds like magnesium and omega-3s that combat depression and lift the spirits. Consider eating more of them whenever possible to keep your brain healthy and high-functioning.
Try infrared light therapy.
Infrared Heating Body Belt
Price: $221
Heat Healer
Infrared heat penetrates deep through the skin, into muscles and bone and can help calm the nervous system, enhance circulation, and alleviate pain (naturally).
Take a bath with a “cold out”.
Another way to get a little mood boost is to take a hot bath followed by a quick (at least 30 seconds) cold rinse after. The shock of cold water immediately kicks circulation and lymphatic drainage into high gear, which creates a rush of energy and a serious pep in your step. Bonus points if you take a magnesium bath for even more mood benefits.
Arc G-Spot Vibrator
Price: $99
ICYMI, daily orgasms are good for you. Not only do our brains release serotonin and dopamine during sexual pleasure, but our brains reach peak activity, which can majorly help with motivation and productivity. Add it to your self-care routine.
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