I find myself repeating this sentiment often: it’s not always one food or drink or even supplement that’s going to change your life (or libido), but rather consistent, healthy lifestyle choices. That means eating real, whole foods on a daily basis. That means eating plenty of healthy fats, lean protein, and colorful carbs. That also means eating frequent meals and protecting your blood sugar from getting too low. OK, I said my spiel, now for the fun part.
Yes, food can have a role in improving and heightening your sex drive, especially if it’s currently low.
Here are some of my personal favorites. But remember, eating these sporadically isn’t going to change your game—add them in on the regular.
Because this list could get lengthy, I’ll stick to my top seven:
This herb, native to Peru, has been used for medicinal purposes in the Incan culture pretty much forever. But in the last few years, its reputation “heightened” for some of its hormonal benefits. While the research is technically still out on the topic of boosting libido, I know many people (including myself) who have personally seen the benefits.
Think of it as the queen of fruit because, well, it’s sometimes referred to as “natural Viagra.” It contains citrulline, which is a compound that helps the body relax blood vessels and in turn boosts blood flow.
You’re welcome! But, for real, chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which is a compound that triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the happy hormones you feel after a great workout.
Chocolate also triggers the release of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that sends the message to your brain that “it’s all good.”
Also, both endorphins and dopamine are released during sex, which can lead to a higher sex drive.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that can help boost dopamine as well as arginine, which is an essential amino acid that produces more nitric oxide. The release of nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases circulation.
Healthy levels of zinc in your body are vital to so many processes in the body. Sex included. It’s often said zinc is the ultimate sex mineral. Why? Because zinc can actually improve your testosterone levels. Ladies, we need healthy testosterone. That’s not just for men.
Another winner because of the famous sex mineral—zinc. Red meat is a powerful source of zinc. Beef is also high in iron, which helps red blood cells transport oxygen, which gives you energy. Another bonus is that it’s high in B vitamins.
Eggs contain loads of nutrients and are a great source of protein. But one essential amino acid in particular, L-arginine, can improve sex hormones, especially in men. Eggs are said to balance hormone levels and fight stress, which are both important for a healthy sex drive.
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Cara Clark is the owner and primary Certified Nutritionist of Cara Clark Nutrition. Cara works with individuals and groups to promote overall health and to manage a wide range of nutrition-related issues. With a ‘non-dieting’ approach, she has helped clients manage weight, energy, performance, diabetes, thyroid related disease, allergies, eating disorders, and more.
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