There’s really no better way to regain a sense of control in a chaotic world than getting our home in order. Clearing the clutter, shredding the paper pile that’s been accumulating since last year, deep cleaning the floors—even just a quick 10 minutes of tidying up one room can make a big difference.
Ofc, we’ll take any way to make these tasks easier, and that’s where these cleaning hacks come in. We’ve rounded up our favorites below.
If the mere thought of a clean, decluttered house is enough to get you off your ass and grab a mop, well, we envy you. Unfortunately, some of us need a little (lot) more to get our dopamine firing. These tips can help.
1. Commit to putting just one thing away or throwing just one thing out. Boom. Dopamine, because you completed a task. This can help motivate you to keep going. And if that one thing is all you have in you, that’s okay! Do one thing again tomorrow.
2. Try making a numbered list of what you want to get done, if you don’t know where to begin. Then, roll a die and start with whichever number on the list you roll.
3. Start by just throwing away the trash in one room. This instantly makes the space feel cleaner.
Cleaning the bathroom gets a little less tedious (and gross) with the help of these tips.
1. Mix equal parts dish soap and white vinegar into a dish brush (like this one) to easily and quickly scrub away bathroom grime. (Inspired by @mama_mila_au/.)
2. Spritz a mixture of water and dish soap on your mirror to prevent it from fogging. Gently wipe it off, and buff a pump of shaving cream into the mirror until it’s clear. (Inspired by @mama_mila_au/.)
3. Use a hair dryer to defog an already foggy mirror. (Inspired by @organizeways.)
4. Use the cleaning solution and brush from tip number one to clean mildew from shower door seals. (Inspired by @mama_mila_au/.)
A clean kitchen isn’t just nice to look at. It’s also—ya know—good for food safety and stuff.
1. Store trash bags on a paper towel holder to make them more convenient to grab. (Inspired by @organizeways.)
2. Clean your dishwasher easily. Place a cup of vinegar in the top rack of the dishwasher and run it for one quick cycle. (Inspired by @carolina.mccauley.)
3. Make a grease-cutting cleaner by mixing dish soap, vinegar, and water in a spray bottle. Your stovetop will sparkle. (Inspired by @carolina.mccauley.)
4. Get rid of leftover cooking grease by pouring it into a small bowl lined with foil. Let the grease solidify, then wrap it up in the foil and throw it out. (Inspired by @organizeways.)
If you’re anything like us, you probably spend a lot of time in both of these rooms. Keep your social and sleep areas spic and span with the help of these tips.
1. Use a Swiffer to reach the top of tall mirrors. (Inspired by @organizeways.)
2. Eliminate and repel dust. Mix 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup vinegar, and a few drops of olive oil and dish soap in a spray bottle. Shake it up, spray on a microfiber cloth, and wipe away.
3. Kill smells with baking soda. If your couch cushions have a bit of an…odor, sprinkle them with baking soda, let it sit for around five minutes, and then vacuum it up. (Don’t forget to vacuum under the cushions as well.)
4. Clean carpet. Tip #3 works well here too.
Ah, everyone’s second least favorite chore. (The first being scrubbing the toilet, ofc.) Softer, cleaner clothes are just a few easy steps away.
1. Use vinegar instead of fabric softener for a natural way to get laundry super soft. (Inspired by @carolina.mccauley.)
2. Add baking soda to your detergent to help counteract the effects of hard water.
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