In life, having a lighter load is usually considered a good thing … unless we’re talking about semen. When it comes to men’s sexual health, it can be easy for women’s understanding to be limited to erections (or lack thereof) and STI symptoms.
But just like our genitals and sexual pleasure, there’s so much more than meets the eye. When it comes to male vitality, ejaculatory force plays a starring role in the overall production. So what is ejaculatory force, and why does it matter?
Joshua Gonzalez, M.D., knows more than a thing or two about it. He’s a board-certified, fellowship-trained urologist and sexual medicine specialist. He’s also the co-founder of Popstar, a male supplement that supports larger semen load volume and enhances semen’s taste. “Ejaculatory force refers to the forcible expulsion of semen from the penis that typically accompanies sexual climax and orgasm,” he explains.
Dr. Gonzalez says there are both medical and satisfaction-related reasons why a man needs to have a strong ejaculatory force. “Strong ejaculatory force and larger ejaculatory volumes are important for fertility,” he says. But he also points out that ejaculatory force and volume are also important for sexual pleasure. “There’s some evidence to suggest that ejaculating a larger volume, which requires greater force, can intensify the orgasmic experience.”
“The power of ejaculatory force,” he continues, “depends on the amount of semen being ejaculated and the strength of contraction in the pelvic muscles.” Of course, other factors contribute. He shares that age, lifestyle, overall health, and sexual activity have the biggest impact.
If you or your man notice a decline in his ejaculatory force, it’s not an immediate sign for alarm bells. Dr. Gonzalez says that a decreased ejaculatory force alone isn’t indicative of a “serious medical issue” but does admit that “it can be distressing” for a man.
He provides additional reasons why force can decrease, “including a decline in hormone levels, weakness in the pelvic floor muscles, and even retrograde ejaculation (where seminal fluid moves backward into the bladder rather than out the tip of the penis like usual).”
He also cautions that the changes can be gradual and difficult to notice, but if there’s an “acute” or noticeable change, he advises that the man speak to his medical provider to make sure everything is a-ok.
If he has a clean bill of health but the above factors still diminish the strength of his ejaculatory force, Dr. Gonzalez has some recommendations, starting with increasing volume. “If it seems like a hormonal issue, your [partner’s] provider may be able to start [him] on a hormonal treatment that may help.
“Another way to increase your ejaculatory volume and force would be to take Popstar, the first physician-developed supplement specifically designed to improve all aspects of ejaculatory health,” he says. Lastly, he shares that pelvic floor physical therapy can strengthen the pelvic muscles, which can help increase the ejaculatory force.
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