We’re big fans of shots these days. No, not tequila. We’re thinking wellness elixirs, immunity boosters, skin-glowing nourishment, and gut shots. They’re the most convenient snag at the juice bar when you’re in a hurry, and a quick way to get a potent dose of nutrients. The problem is, it’s tough to keep them stocked, and going to the juice bar every day adds up.
The good news is, there are a few concoctions that are super easy to make at home, and not all of them even require a juicer. Here are a few fab recipes to give yourself the spa treatment at home on the daily:
Nothing burns up a brewing cold or flu better than spicy ginger. You will need a juicer for the apple and ginger, but if you want to skip out on the touch of sweetness with fresh green apple juice (fresh pressed only please, no concentrate or pasteurized juices), then you can sub ginger juice for ginger powder in lemon juice. We think fresh tastes and works the best though, and the apple makes it super pleasant.
You’ll need:
1/2 green apple
1 lemon
1 3-inch knob of ginger (or a teaspoon of ginger powder)
1 3-inch knob of turmeric (or a teaspoon of turmeric powder)
1 pinch of black pepper
1 pinch of cayenne
Juice all ingredients and pour into a small glass. Top with the cayenne (which helps break up mucus) and down the hatch.
Krout Juice-Pineapple Gut Shots
The pineapple in this shot will make you want to toss in some mezcal and call it a tasty mixer, but we prefer this virgin, first thing in the morning. If you want to stretch out its deliciousness, make a little extra in the morning, and pop it in the fridge for later. About an hour before dinner or while you’re cooking, add it to a glass on ice with a splash of soda water for an excellent gut aperitif.
Pineapple is full of super active enzymes that help prep the tummy for streamlined digestion, plus it tastes absolutely delicious. Sea salt is mineralizing, and sauerkraut is loaded with beneficial bacteria and makes this little shooter a powerful probiotic primer for the rest of your day! If your gut is in need of soothing, add a 2-inch knob of ginger to protect and balance.
You’ll need:
1 cup fresh pineapple, juiced
1 oz krout brine from your favorite brand, or homemade
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
Splash of water
When you’re in need of balance, a concentrated shot of greens will bring you back to feeling centered. Cilantro is great at detoxing heavy metals, which we accumulate from food, topical products, and our environment. Spirulina is a type of algae that is rich in protein, deeply alkalizing, mineralizing, and energizing. It also boosts the production of white blood cells and antibodies for a little added immunity kick. Because it can taste a little, ehem, oceanic, we add fresh pear juice to sweeten things up, and lemon to give a powerful tartness. Lemon is also great paired with greens to add to the alkaline power and strengthen their effects.
You’ll need:
1/2 bartlett pear, juiced
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 scoop spirulina
1 cup tightly packed cilantro
If acid reflux and indigestion are part of your regular scheduled programming, this shot will help turn things around. It may seem counterproductive to consume vinegar when you’re already feeling acidic, but ACV (especially the raw kind with the “mother” for added probiotic benefits) actually has the ability to tone down the overproduction of stomach acid. You’ll want to consume on an empty stomach, so we recommend making this upon waking, or at least 30 minutes before your first meal.
You’ll need:
2 tablespoons ACV
1 teaspoon manuka honey (you can add another teaspoon if the taste of ACV is a bit much for you)
1 oz hot water
You don’t have to shoot this; you can sip it due to the hot water. The warmth helps ease your stomach into digestion and gives your metabolism a macrobiotic kick for the day.
Wheatgrass Antioxidant Shot
We’re taking it old-school with this classic nutrient-dense green. Wheatgrass is full of chlorophyll, flavonoids, and vitamins C and E, and has even demonstrated powerful anti-cancer effects. Anything green is incredibly alkalizing, so this is a real multitasker. We like to balance its intensely earthy grassiness with a little coconut water for sweetness and hydrating electrolytes.
You’ll need:
1 packed cup wheatgrass, juiced
1 oz fresh coconut water (no added sugars)
The Natural Pre-Workout Shot
Getting energized for your workout isn’t all about caffeine. While caffeine definitely helps, especially if you didn’t have the opportunity to clock the beauty z’s, there are other factors that fuel your power. Studies show that beetroot has high levels of inorganic nitrate (NO3), which has the ability to increase blood nitric oxide.
If you’re thinking, um. What? What that means is that it has the ability to uplevel performance, improve blood and oxygen flow to your muscles, and boost endurance so that we can last longer and with more gusto, so to speak. Carrot juice adds a little sweetness and some beta carotene for added skin benefits.
You’ll need:
1/2 fresh beet, juiced (or a tablespoon of beetroot powder)
2 carrots, juiced
1/2 lemon, juiced
Note: do not juice an entire beet. It is very intense and can make your stomach upset to have too much fresh beet juice in one sitting.
For troubled skin, PMSing skin, or those of us just wanting a little extra glow, this ruby shot will feel like absolute royalty. Pomegranate juice is delicious as well as loaded with skin-loving antioxidants, while rose water is packed with vitamin C as well as touting anti-inflammatory effects. Burdock root is known to detoxify the blood and promote circulation in the surface of the skin, which speeds healing and reduces redness.
You’ll need:
1 oz unpasteurized pomegranate juice
1 oz culinary rosewater
1 dropperful burdock tincture
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