Lia Bartha’s workout B the Method is known for its super low impact, but incredibly effective, workouts—and if you ask us, her abs. The secret to carving out that core is going deep—deep core exercises, that is.
This workout suggests using a Pilates ball. Although B the Method’s ball is a perfect size, any Pilates ball will do, or even a throw pillow. No ball? No problem. You can still engage the core using no props.
Follow along with the moves in the video that are detailed below to activate those super deep core muscles and build a strong foundation for all of your favorite types of movement!
Straight from Lia herself:
Exercise 1 : Single leg marching with the ball behind knee
“This exercise is a great place to start firing up the deep core muscles. When working your core, always position your pelvis in a neutral position (a tuck or an arch of the spine will prevent you from activating these muscles). Want to kick up the intensity? Try taking your hands behind your head and lifting the upper body off the floor.”
Exercise 2 : Single leg circles with the ball behind knee
“Now that you’re warmed up, it’s time to play around with isolated movement to activate one side of the body. The ball adds balance and an external rotation component to strengthen the inner and outer thighs and glutes.”
Exercise 3 : Bridging hip circles with the ball between knees
“Now that your glutes and deep core are engaged, let’s add some spinal articulation and twisting. The ball between your knees helps to activate the pelvic floor. Note: When in a bridge position, it’s important NOT to clench your glutes. Always lead with the lower abdominals, which ensures the core connection and gives you a more rounded result. The hip circles help boost mobility, flexibility, and strength.”
Exercise 4 : Quadruped core lifts with the ball between knees
This move is all about stability in the deepest core muscle, otherwise known as the transverse abdominis. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders, knees under your hips, and your spine is neutral. We want full-body alignment and upper body support as we hover the knees off the ground. For less intensity, modify by using your elbows. For more intensity, try adding in a twist from side to side.”
Exercise 5 : Quadruped leg extension circles with the ball under one hand
“Let’s bring it all together with a full-body exercise. Place the ball under one hand in a quadruped position with the opposite leg in a full extension behind you. Circle the extended leg clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat on the opposite leg.
“Form is everything. If you commit to this five-minute series, five days a week and use proper form, you’ll protect yourself from injury and feel stronger than ever. For longer videos and livestream classes with me, head on over to B the Method, and sign up for the bthemethod app. The first week is free!”
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