The phrase “uncertain times” almost sounds trite at this point, but that’s exactly where we’re at with COVID-19. Total ambiguity. Even those we trust the most, i.e. government officials, doctors, scientists, etc., are going back on their initial direction when it comes to knowing what we should or shouldn’t be doing. The protocol changes daily, if not hourly.
But this state of perpetual dubiousness doesn’t always seem to make a dent in the general public’s compassion. While everything is up in the air, so many have greatly varying ideas of what the right move is. To a certain extent, it’s important to remember to respect others’ boundaries. Some of the Poosh team weigh in on their personal experiences.
“We’re living in a time where everyone is judged for every move they make—whether that’s to safely meet up with friends in someone’s backyard or decide not to participate in protests because of the fear of COVID. It’s a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” sort of thing. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I feel as long as you’re smart, safe, and following the guidelines set by your local officials then you’re doing your part. Obviously, take it seriously (wash your hands, wear your mask, avoid large crowds and unnecessary errands) but tune out the negativity and do what feels right for you.” — Michelle Scanga
Even though guidelines are a moving target, staying on top of them is your best bet. They are the most researched and the most unifying, so sticking with the plan shows regard for others.
“We can all agree that this year has been extremely difficult and trying for all. The adjustment to this new norm has not been easy, and I am fully in support of allowing anyone to exercise their rights and do what makes them feel their best. To me, putting shame onto others for choosing to do things that make them feel good does not feel right. If you choose to go to a restaurant or get your hair done (while following proper precautions), that is your choice, and I am not here to judge. However, I will say it is a slippery slope, as it appears the majority is so willing to hear one thing and allow their fear to snowball out of control, something I personally encounter quite often.” — Jonathan Homan
Being extra cautious doesn’t hurt, but projecting one’s fears onto others and playing the blame game can damage relationships.
“This whole time has been such a roller coaster of shame and spiraling. I think people are constantly judging how others have handled certain issues around COVID, i.e. going out to eat, quarantining with other families, not social distancing enough, or even social distancing too much and being too rigid. I’m guilty of it too, in my own way. It’s taken me a few months to realize that this craziness is going to continue for at least another year, and I want to try to find a way to get through the next year or longer, safely, but while also living my life. So for example, I’m going to continue seeing my close friends who I know are as vigilant as I am. I am fine not dining out, but I’m not fine living without Botox, and I am comfortable going to get Botox with gloves, mask, and sanitizer.
I think most of the people in my life are just trying to do their best to navigate and stay healthy. It’s a stressful time and a first for all of us. It can be hard to not shame and hurtful to get shamed. At the end of the day, none of that matters as long as you are doing what’s right for you and your family, and hopefully you are being responsible.” — Samantha Hyatt
The bottom line is to protect yourself and those around you, period. Standing on an aggravated soapbox won’t save any of us. Spread the love, because now is the time we all need it most.
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