We can think of body language and mood as a feedback loop, a reciprocal relationship where mood states can impact our physical posture and, interestingly, where certain physical postures can impact our mood. Yoga is a great tool to leverage this.
One mood we can cultivate through movement practices is confidence. Certain yoga poses can help boost our confidence by reducing stress and evoking a sense of empowerment. If you take a moment to imagine someone who oozes confidence, you’ll probably find yourself thinking of someone standing tall, chest open, head up. There is a strength in their stance that is balanced by a sense of ease.
Whether you’re asking for a pay raise, getting ready for a first date, or simply trying to own your worth, we are going to focus on yoga poses that open the chest, engage the core, and encourage you to feel confident and powerful in your body.
You can do a few of these shapes individually or practice them consecutively for a smooth flow, holding for 5 to 10 breaths each.
How to:
- From the side plank, take a seated position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Begin with your hands behind your hips on the ground, fingers pointing towards your feet.
- Lean slightly back, lift your chest, pull your belly in, and lift your legs up, with knees bent and shins parallel to the floor.
- Stay here, hold on to the back of your thighs, or reach your arms towards your feet. Feel the heat build in your body, and keep the chest open.
If you’re moving through this sequence in a flow, wrap your arms around your shins to roll back and up into a standing position. Begin again in mountain pose, and move through the flow on the other side. Once you’ve completed the second side, move on to the next shape.
How to:
- From reverse tabletop, lower your hips down, and come into a comfortable seat.
- Let your hands rest on your knees, and feel the spine lengthen and the chest open.
- Breathe gently in and out of your nose. Take a few minutes to repeat an affirmation. Try to keep the affirmation specific to what you need in the moment.
Here are some examples that may be helpful:
- I am valuable and my voice matters.
- I radiate confidence in every interaction.
- I trust in my abilities and I’m ready to contribute positively.
- I am an effective and competent communicator, and I express my ideas with clarity.
- I am able to showcase my value and assert my needs with ease and confidence.
- I work hard with proven results, and I am worthy of what I ask for.
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