I’m drinking chlorophyll right now. In an Aman Resorts thermos they gave me when I went to the one in Jackson Hole this summer with my boyfriend, who I thought I could marry. We broke up last week. Yeah, shit sucks. And I’m not kidding you, chlorophyll is helping me through it. Don’t believe me? Well then please … continue reading.
Chlorophyll is a plant pigment and algae’s natural coloring. It is responsible for the absorption-of-light process called photosynthesis. AKA that thing from whatever grade that we learned about when I wasn’t paying attention. Now I know that it’s worth focusing on—photosynthesis is what creates energy. It converts light into energy. Light creates positive energy. Positive energy makes you feel good. Chlorophyll helps you feel good in lots of ways.
Here’s the breakdown:
Chlorophyll detoxes the liver by assisting the elimination process of potentially harmful toxins from your whole system (body, mind, and soul). If you haven’t read Medical Medium’s Liver Rescue, do yourself a favor and jump on it. As I understand it, the liver is responsible for pretty much everything. We’re not conditioned to regard it as so important to total well-being, but Anthony William is helping the world realize that we need to change that. Translation, a healthy liver equals a healthy all the things. Including your brain. Anthony says brain fog is a symptom of toxic buildup in the liver, which chlorophyll helps thin to absorb so our healthy cells don’t. Once the toxins within us aren’t lying dormant in our liver, the rest of our organs, muscles, digestive system, and emotional and energetic bodies get nourished by a healthy liver (that means receive love). He claims most of us don’t even know what that feels like because we’re born into liver disruption. (There’s a lot of factors to this and yes, there’s a solution. Read the book.)
Conclusion: chlorophyll rids the bad stuff from the liver so our liver can do its real job—feed us with love! Love turns things positive. Anything that helps me feel more positive during a tough time, you got me.
Chlorophyll binds to toxic junk to block it from reaching us. It creates somewhat of a protective shield inside our bodies so that we have a barrier between toxicity and our cells. There’s a study from Oregon State University revealing that this “shield” sticks to carcinogens in our system so that they don’t get into our GI tract, making us sick later. Negative thoughts, alcohol, crappy food, pollution, judgmental self-talk—all toxic. We’re exposed to this stuff daily, and you really turn up the volume on it during a breakup. Or is that just me? Needless to say, it cleanses the body so it’s easier to get back in the zone.
Chlorophyll helps wounded cells repair themselves and behave like healthy cells, which means the cells are able to regenerate themselves. This is why stem cell therapy works. More on that another time. It has been suggested that stimulating healing can improve fine lines and wrinkles. This is because the—let’s say toxicity—causing your fine lines and wrinkles gets a rejuvenating boost of positive energy. Like I said, positive energy makes you feel good, and when you feel good, you look good! How does this relate to my breakup? Because I have to look absolutely amazing when I run into him, right?
Here’s to the green stuff.
Stefani Beckerman is a wellness expert, brand strategist, and entrepreneur who helps people integrate health and wellness into their everyday lives. She is a sought-after authority for helping brands scale and the founder of WellDone. She’s known for her integral role at Thrive Market, the e-commerce retailer offering natural and organic food products that she helped grow to more than 4 million subscribers in under two years. You can learn more about Stefani at www.stefanibeckerman.com or follow @sbeckerman and @welldoneguide.
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