The truth is, many of us aren’t getting adequate nutrition. We are huge fans of all things plant-based; however, so often diet culture becomes obsessive about fasting and plant-based restrictions, so much so that we forget that we need protein to function optimally. Of course, there is protein in plants, and plenty of it. But it’s important to be aware of how much protein we are getting from each food source and be mindful of that as a vital nutrition factor.
Our cells need protein not only to show the world our hard-earned workout benefits, but our skin, nails, hair, brain, digestive system, immune response, and bone and blood health all require a good deal of protein to keep things in tip-top, working order. While we shouldn’t overdo it with protein, most protein supplements and powders tell us exactly how many grams are in a serving, so we can be certain we are reaching a certain baseline in our day with an easy addition to smoothies, lattes, and even baked recipes or oatmeal.
We’ve rounded up our favorite brands so that we can all decide which one works best for our diet and lifestyle, and keep ourselves fully nourished.
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