In 2022, we’re committing ourselves to wellness by getting stronger both physically and mentally. First up on our list is arm-toning with some light weights for added results. Start the work now and thank us once summertime rolls around.
Keep on pooshing through the burn because the temporary pain will provide you with long-term satisfaction. Read on to learn and watch the full workout.
The Routine:
Lateral Raise Pulses
Forward Extension and Flip
Tricep Kickback Pulse
Bent Arm Back Fly
Prayer Arm Pulses
Complete each exercise with 3-pound dumbbells or wrist weights for 3 rounds of 1 minute each.
The Move: Lateral Raise Pulses
How to: This movement is great for the anterior and lateral deltoid. Pulse your dumbbells from the front to the side, keeping your palms facing the floor.
The Move: Forward Extension and Flip
How to: This exercise is great for your arms! Extend the dumbbells out in front of you, and before you pull them back in toward your body, rotate your hands to face upward. Push the dumbbells back out and rotate your hands to face downward. Continue to move the weights by pushing and pulling and try to get your back muscles involved in the supinated pull-back.
The Move: Tricep Kickback Pulse
How to: Hinge your body forward and lift your elbows back behind you. Drive your arms straight back to straighten your elbows, and flex your tricep muscle. Without completely relaxing, bend your arm close to 90 degrees, but before you rest, push the dumbbell back to keep your triceps working. I think of driving my pinky fingers to the sky continuously.
The Move: Bent Arm Back Fly
How to: Hinge your body forward and bring your bent arms right under your chest. Engage your back muscles to drive your elbows and forearms out to the side of your body and back to start again. Try to keep the same elbow angle the entire movement and really feel your posterior deltoid work as well.
The Move: Prayer Arm Pulses
How to: This exercise is great for the triceps and shoulders as well as your chest muscles. Standing upright, bring your dumbbells in your hands to forehead level and bring your elbows together. Keeping your weights and your elbows together, press your dumbbells up toward the sky at a controlled pace. Pulse the dumbbells from forehead height to overhead and keep your form throughout this burnout movement.
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A former Division 1 high jumper and record holder at West Virginia University, Sydney is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sydney and her fiancé Dustin created the Royal Change digital media company and post a new, completely free workout every day. They have a quickly growing audience with over 53,000,000 views since they started their YouTube channel. Royal Change’s mission is to always provide high-quality fitness to everyone, everywhere, at any time.
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