First things first: Calories are not bad. Our bodies convert the calories from what we consume into energy, and we use this energy for literally every process. We need them to function.
Now that that’s settled, let’s dive in: Are all calories the same?
The answer is (drumroll please) a resounding no. Where the calorie comes from changes how you digest it and get energy from it. Also, certain foods support a healthy metabolism while others can actually slow metabolism.
“Typically, the most common mistakes that lead to slow metabolism are either not having sufficient caloric intake or taking in calories from processed, unnatural foods,” Neeyaz Zolfaghari, founder of Unspoken Nutrition, previously told us. A slow metabolism can lead to sugar cravings, digestive issues, and high blood sugar.
Some examples of supportive versus unsupportive calorie sources:
Leafy greens
Kelp noodles
Refined carbohydrates
Soda and other sugary drinks
Fast food
Gummy bears
Think about consuming 100 calories of soda versus 100 calories of avocado. Most obviously, soda lacks nutrients and contains lots of sugar (which has been linked to all kinds of negative health outcomes). Avocado, on the other hand, has a ton of nutrients that support your health.
But wait, there’s more! The cals in the soda are quickly digested and turned into energy—you get that sugar high and then crash. But because avocado contains fat and fiber, its cals are digested slower and provide a more stable, extended release of energy.
Ofc, this is not to say we shouldn’t enjoy some “unsupportive” calorie sources from time to time. A life without fries is not a life we would enjoy.
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