Do you snore? Do you even know if you snore? If you sleep solo and want to find out if you’re a snorer, you can download this app, which records your sleep patterns. In the morning, you can play it back and hear if you are in fact a snorer or not. If you are partnered up, you most likely know if you or your partner is guilty. (No shame, it’s natural!)
Either way, today we’re sharing ways to help reduce the (unwanted) noise in your bedroom. Whether it’s caused by mouth breathing at night or you inherited the habit from your family, keep reading to find out how to help sleep sound-free. While these suggestions aren’t cures, they can certainly aid to alleviate the noisy behavior.
Tongue therapy
We recently shared the tongue exercises Kourt is doing to improve her neck muscles, but another (huge) benefit of myofunctional therapy is helping adjust sleep patterns. Long story short: relaxing the tongue helps to open your airway path, which ultimately leads to better breathing and less snoring at night.
Avoid inflammatory foods
Reducing inflammatory foods like red meat, meals with refined carbs and added sugar, and … alcohol in your diet can have a major impact on not only your overall health but your sleep patterns. By no means are we saying never enjoy these items, but if you’re planning a sleepover and want to reduce the chances of hardcore snoring, try steering clear of foods that cause your body to inflame.
Clear your nasal passage
Use a saline spray before bedtime, like this one to help unclog your nasal passages and breathe better. You can even take it to the next level with a steam inhaler and neti pot to help with heavy congestion (which can cause snoring). Add saline water to the neti pot and rinse twice a day for best results.
Nasal Spray
Price: $14
Personal Sinus Steam Inhaler
Price: $45
NasaFlo Neti Pot Sinus Relief
Price: $18
Rub on the eucalyptus balm
The all-natural version of Vick’s rub helps alleviate congestion and promote better breathing. Jumby’s balms are made with certified organic and gluten-free ingredients so you can feel good about the soothing rub you’re applying to your chest for a dreamy night’s rest.
Out of the Cold Vaporizing Chest Balm
Price: $10.79
Jumby Beauty
Adjust your sleep position
Try training your body to sleep on your side (since zonking on your back can enable dinosaur-level sounds from snoring). If you’re worried about chest wrinkles forming from side-sleeping, you can wedge a pillow between your chest to help. Our editor, Michelle Scanga (not a snorer), does this with a weighted stuffed animal to help prevent fine lines when she’s in bed on her side.
Bonus: Sleep crown pillow
This one is for anyone sleeping with a partner whose snoring keeps them up at night. While this won’t end your s/o’s bedtime monster sounds, it will help you sleep a little easier. This lightly weighted pillow fits right over the face to help block out noise and light. Plus, it lends calming energy because it truly feels like a hug for your face. Trust us on this one.
Classic Over the Head Pillow
Price: $168
Sleep Crown
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