Crystals and gemstones, you ask? From healing powers to exuding confidence, the energy of stones has gained steam in the world of natural remedies in recent years. We tapped celebrity jewelry designer and stone guru, Lisa Gastineau, to share her expert knowledge. Below, we’re filling you in on the intentions and representations associated with popular stones.
So let’s chat about what different stones represent, starting with a beginner stone.
“A beginner stone would be clear quartz. Quartz is an amplifier, so it will amplify any attention. I suggest that anything you want to amplify, you have a positive intention with. I would also say rose quartz, clear quartz, and onyx. Onyx is a great protection stone. It’s one of those stones where both men and women can wear it comfortably in bracelets and jewelry. It’s one of the most popular stones in fashion jewelry today.”
Lisa breaks down the meaning of eight stones below:
“Citrine is the stone known for concentration, so they say that if you are dealing with radio frequency or the internet, you should always have a citrine stone by your computer. It is also the stone known for focus. If you want to concentrate or you have children and you want them to be studying for a test or something like that, citrine is good for focus, creativity, will, and imagination. It’s also good for people who are going through hormonal issues, diabetes, or kidney stones. Our hormones regulate our whole body, so when you’re supporting them, you’re increasing your energy and your sense of calm. It’s a stone of clarity. Additionally, it’s a great detox stone, helping with the immune system, metabolism, and hormones, and it aids with negative thought patterns.”
“Rose quartz represents self-love and acceptance. It’s more about self-love as opposed to romantic love. The basis of any love starts with self-love, so it’s hard to be in any sort of relationship if you don’t start with the core first. Rose quartz is the stone that helps manifest and create the power to self-love. Self-love isn’t necessarily ego-love. Self-love is more about acceptance and embracing who you are. It’s also a good stone to put into nurseries and for premature babies, because it brings love and a sweet feeling into a room. Rose quartz should be in every nursery.”
“Amethyst is good for healthy patterns and habits, as well as protection. It’s a perfect stone to enhance meditation and to aid in curbing negative influences (alcohol, drugs, fattening foods). It protects from psychic attack. Amethyst is a great stone to wear or place in your home or car for a feeling of light, protection, and spiritual connection. People use it as a reminder to stay on their diet or sobriety—it’s always been associated with sobriety, which goes back to ancient times when the stone was associated with wine-making.”
“These are both cooling stones that are in the blue-green family. When we talk about color and color wheels, these stones have been known to reduce tension and be more calming. Larimar and Amazonite make you think of running water, which brings that sense of serenity and calmness.”
“This green stone is known for prosperity and wealth. Back in the day, it was one of the stones in the Holy Grail. It’s supposed to increase abundance, self-worth, and universal love and to be worn for protection. It also corresponds to anything heart related—blood, anemia, etc.”
“Sapphire is very powerful—each color sapphire corresponds with a different energy. Blue sapphire is the most common. Blue stones correspond to psychic ability and awareness. Awareness is associated with discipline. Pink sapphires are associated with love, strength, forgiveness, and emotional healing.”
“Diamond is the hardest stone, so it’s always been associated with power because it’s so strong. If you think about it, they use diamond drills—so the diamond is a really powerful stone. Marketing has made it the stone of engagement and love, but that’s not really what it’s about.”
“I am always wearing aquamarine since it is known for its ability to help calm and soothe. Legend has it that the wearer can channel eternal youth, and it’s said to bring good luck. It’s a wonderful stone to assist in communication and calm anger. It’s a great stone to aid children who have been through emotional trauma. And it’s perfect for those who have anxiety about public speaking, ideal for teachers, singers, and presenters (it’s even known to help with sore throats and laryngitis). It gives off super feminine energy.”
Are there stones good for confidence?
Confidence in love: Garnet
Courage: Ruby
How do you recommend caring for stones?
“I clear my stones with the moon, under the moonlight. I put them out on big wooden trays and I leave them overnight and let them absorb. They get cleared and they get charged.”
About Lisa Gastineau: I’ve been doing jewelry for over 20 years. I originally started doing estate jewelry. I was doing it to feed my passion—I love jewelry. As I collected, I was able to keep upgrading my collection and then sell what I had. What I’ve been doing for the past 15 years has been more spiritually based jewelry where the gemstones are direct manifestations of intentions that we want to create. Many people know the basics, and it’s more common now than when I was young to know that certain stones help with manifesting or drawing in certain emotions.
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